Photos of the Day

21 Shevat 578016 February 2020




Photos of the Day

Photo 1:

Note the triangle sign with bombs falling. This a homemade sign that has gone up surreptitiously all over roads in southern Israel. It reads "unprotected area."

Note the triangle sign with bombs falling. This a homemade sign that has gone up surreptitiously all over roads in southern Israel. It reads “unprotected area.”

All of the idiotic measures that the IDF implemented yesterday such as renewing trade permits and extending the fishing range for Gazan fishermen/smugglers were reversed today after the missile fire on Kissufim yesterday. The IDF, nevertheless, was quick to absolve Hamas of any blame preferring to attribute the missile fire to Islamic Jihad.

By the way, PM Netanyahu told leaders in the South today (and leaders of Hamas and Islamic Jihad) that there will not be any military operation against terrorists in Gaza until after the election.

Photo 2:

Another explosive balloon cluster this morning. This one exploded above Beersheva.

Another explosive balloon cluster this morning. This one exploded above Beersheva.

Balloons keep exploding all over southern Israel from Beersheva to Netivot to Ashkelon.

Photo 3:

A new wall going up around Gaza--this one being built by the Egyptians.

A new wall going up around Gaza–this one being built by the Egyptians.

 This 1.2 mile long wall runs from the Rafah Crossing to the Kerem Shalom Crossing. It will be six meters above ground and five meters underground. The Egyptians are building to stop terrorists crossing from Gaza to Sinai and vice versa, and to stop tunneling in this area.
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What terrorists you may ask? Palestinian terrorists who have been recruited into Salafist and Al-Qaeda groups operating in the Sinai and killing Egyptian soldiers and civilians.

Photos 4 and 5:

Look closely: note the green truck--it was being driven by a suicide bomber in Syria. In the photo, the truck had just entered a compound with Russian soldiers.

Look closely: note the green truck–it was being driven by a suicide bomber in Syria. In the photo, the truck had just entered a compound with Russian soldiers.

And then:

The bomber detonated.

The bomber detonated.

There is no word yet on how many Russians were killed yesterday. The suicide bomber belonged to a Salafist group in Syria–the same Salafist group operating in the Sinai.

Photo 6:

At the Western Wall today.

At the Western Wall today.

Thousands came to the Kotel today to pray for those infected with the corona virus and for the discovery of a way to halt its spread. In particular, the rabbis leading the prayers prayed for China.

A number of Israelis have been trapped on board the Diamond Princess cruise liner for the last week; three of them have now tested positive for the virus.


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