Tag Archives: foreign intelligence

Israel’s Remarkable Shin Bet Strikes Again

UPDATE: Palestinian terrorists assault Israeli bus near Kfar Azun just east of Qalqilya with Molotov cocktails. TODAY’S BLOG: If your humble servant mentions the “IDF”–you undoubtedly know that I am referring to “the Israel Defense Forces.” Similarly, if I mention … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged again, arab affairs, assault, beersheba, beersheva, border, bus, defense, foreign intelligence, Gaza, habitachon, hamas, IDF, infiltrate, informants, islamic jihad, Israel, israel air force, israel defense forces, Israeli, isreal, january 4 1948, Jenin, Jerusalem, jerusalem post, jordanians, Judea, kfar azun, klali, local residents, magen, molotov cocktail, mossad, motorcycle, Palestinian, police, prime minister, qalqilya, Samaria, security service, shabak, sherut, shin bet, stab, strikes, terror, terrorist rings, terrorists, undercover, velo, west bank, western wall, yerae | Comments Off on Israel’s Remarkable Shin Bet Strikes Again