Tag Archives: meaningless

Who Cares What They Think?

NUMBER OF DAYS UNTIL THE ISRAELI ELECTION: 24 ISRAELSTREET endorses NAFTALI BENNETT for Prime Minister Head of “HaBayit HaYehudi” (The Jewish Home) political party UPDATE 5:30 pm Israel time Friday: In the last hour, the Israeli government has been attempting to carry … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged alistair burt, anti-Israel, ariel university center of samaria, avalanche, background noise, Ban Ki-Moon, beit el, bill, constituents, create another obstacle to peace, criticism, criticize, delinquent, diplomats, egyptian, electricity, Erdogan, foreign minister, french, Israel, Israeli, isreal, Jerusalem, jewish homes, Jimmy Carter, Mahmoud Abbas, meaningless, monies, muslim, norwegian, oz zion, pakistani president, paris, reform rabbis, Samaria, security council, self-proclaimed, tax, tempered response, western wall, who cares, women, yawns | Comments Off on Who Cares What They Think?