CIF Watch Monitoring and exposing anti-Semitism.
Daled Amos Daniel Gordis: Dispatches from an Anxious State Few people say it as well as Gordis. Daniel Pipes Analysis and comment on radical Islam. Debbie Schlussel One of Israel’s most ardent supporters. Debka A unique perspective on military events involving and affecting Israel.
Dennis Prager Articulate commentary from a passionate Zionist. Dr. Ginosar Recalls A member of Lechi during the war for Independence gives blogs about Zionism.
Dry Bones Yaakov Kirschen’s funny and pointed cartoons!
Elder of Ziyon One of the best Zionist blogs on the net–linked to on this site above.
Emet m’Tsiyon A philosophical approach to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Former Muslims United
The website of Nonie Darwish, Walid Shoebat, and Wafa Sultan. FresnoZionism One of the most articulate Zionists on the web–linked to on this page above. Friends of the IDF “Their job is to look after Israel. Ours is to look after them.” Honest Reporting One of the best: monitoring media bias. IDF Spokesperson Blog The latest from the Israel Defense Forces.
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Isi Liebler–Candidly Speaking The veteran Israeli Jewish leader with his always interesting comments.
Israel Defender Jock Falkson tells it like it is on all things related to Israel.
Israel Muse News and information related to Israel.
IsraellyCool Down under punditry about the Middle East.
IsraelProud Created to keep Israel proud.
Israpundit Israel news and commentary.
J Street Jive Tracking Israel’s defamers. Linked to on this page above. An impassioned defense of all things Israeli. Judeopundit As the name implies, first-rate punditry. Love of the Land Martin Kramer’s Sandbox From the president-designate of Shalem College in Jerusalem. MEMRI The always excellent Middle East Media Research Institute. Mere Rhetoric Omri Ceren’s blog focuses on the global war between the West and political Islam. Meryl Yourish Home of Israel Double Standard Time. Michael Savage Home of the intrepid pro-Israeli radio announcer and his Savage Nation. Michael J. Totten One of the most popular bloggers on Israel. Middle East Analysis Comment and analysis about the Middle East. Middle East Forum Promoting American interests in the Middle East. One Jerusalem I think you can guess the thrust of this excellent blog. Peace With Realism Working for a just peace Ron Mossad “The whole world is against us; never mind, we’ll overcome.” Sderot Media Center What’s happening on the front line with Gaza. Stand With Us Tirelessly fighting for Israel in many venues. Zionism on the Web Combatting hate, antisemitism, and racism. Zionist Organization of America Still there. Still fighting as hard as ever! Z-word blog Excellent articles and analysis from a committed Zionist.