Israeli 'Zaka' personnel picking up Israeli body parts inside Haifa's Maxim Restaurant on October 4, 2003
The Israeli news is awash this morning with the astonishing report that PM Netanyahu has agreed to return the corpses of between 84 and 105 Palestinians to the Palestinian Authority as a Ramadan ‘gesture’ to PA President Mahmoud Abbas. The move was announced yesterday by PA Civil Affairs Minister Hussein Al-Sheikh in an interview with the Palestinian Ma’an News Agency.
Unbelievable. Simply unbelievable. Gilad Shalit has languished in a Palestinian hellhole for over 5 years now–with no contact with anyone from the outside world, and with no sign to anyone for over two years that he is alive, and Netanyahu wants to make a ‘gesture’ to Mahmoud Abbas?
What is even more unbelievable is that part of this ‘gesture’ is to return the bodies of Hamas terrorists and Palestinian suicide bombers. Supposedly included in the ‘gesture’ are the bodies of Ramaz Aslim who blew himself up at Jerusalem’s Cafe Hillel on September 9, 2003 murdering seven Israels and grievously wounding 50 more, and Hanadi Jaradat who blew herself up at Haifa’s Maxim Restaurant a month later on October 4, 2003 slaughtering 21 Israelis and wounding another 51.
Just unbelievable.
Almost as unbelievable as the Netanyahu’s sudden urgency to become friendly with Turkey again. Is Netanyahu’s memory so short that he cannot remember how Turkish President Erdogan has made castigation of Israel his signature issue? That every time Erdogan goes anywhere, the first words out of his mouth are a condemnation of Israel?
The reports this morning are that Turkey badly wants Israeli military platforms: the Spike anti-tank missile, the Barak 8 naval air-defense missile, Israeli satellites, and the Arrow missile defense system. But before Turkey signs off on the various deals, Israel has to apologize for the Mavi Marmura incident that Turkey instigated last year! And Netanyahu has pathetically agreed to do so.
The reports are that Israeli and Turkish diplomats are working on language that will make it appear in Turkish that Israel has offered a complete apology while at the same time making it appear in Hebrew that Israel is only offering a partial apology.
Unbelievable. Simply unbelievable. I can think of only one ‘gesture’ that is appropriate for both the Palestinians and the Turks–it’s a gesture made with the middle finger of your hand.
[Breaking news: as I write this, it has just been announced that the transfer of the bodies to the Palestinians is now ‘frozen’–because of ongoing negotiations over Gilad Shalit.]