The American consulate in Jerusalem. Israel is the only country in the world whose designated capital is not recognized by the U.S. The American Embassy is located in Tel Aviv.
As I listen to the loud roar of Israeli jets banking hard to the left directly over my house this morning on their way to Gaza, I am struck by the continuing efforts of the American administration and left-wingers in Israel to delegitimize Israel from within.
Several days ago I commented on the 4th of July festivities at the U.S. Ambassador’s residence in Herzliya Pituach. As it turns out, not all Israelis were invited to the festivities. Those Israelis representing the large and small Jewish communities over the Green Line were instead to be shunted off to the American consulate in Jerusalem and thereby excluded from the official Embassy party.
Ariel Mayor Ron Nachman has published the letter he wrote to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in declining his invitation to the Consulate: “Although my family has been in Israel for four generations it seems that I’ve been deemed a second class Israeli citizen, due to my role as a mayor in Samaria. I assure you that I have great respect for and warm sentiments towards the United States of America. And yet, this approach is insulting. I would like to suggest that you cease distinguishing between Israelis, as the current policy does not compliment you and serves only to harm us.”
Serves only to harm us–by delegitimizing Israel’s control over these areas.
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Just as troubling is the takeover this past Sunday of half of the city of Jerusalem’s ‘East’ Jerusalem bureau by City Councilman Meir Margolit, one of the last remaining members of Israel’s radically left-wing Meretz party. The division of the bureau was necessitated because Margolit refused to represent Jewish residents of ‘East’ Jerusalem who live in predominantly Arab neighborhoods.
So now the ‘East’ Jerusalem position has Margolit to represent the Arab population and David Hadari ( of the Jewish Home party) to represent Jews. And what is Margolit’s immediate goal? To help ‘East’ Jerusalem develop the infrastructure necessary to break away from Israel and become the capital of Palestine.
In other words . . . to delegitimize Israel sovereignty over the city of Jerusalem and break apart the Jewish state.