UPDATE: Fires in the Galilee largely under control. Police now report 38 fire-related incidents of terrorist arson on Friday and Saturday.

The street curb in the Ramot neighborhood of Jerusalem where the Israeli teenager was stabbed in the back last night. Notice the blood on the pavement in the foreground.
There’s a moment early in the movie Exodus when the American, Mrs. Kitty Fremont, goes on board the Exodus–which is attempting to take postwar European Jewish refugees out of Cypriot detention camps to British mandated Palestine–to ask the Haganah Commander Ari Ben Canaan if she can take the young girl Karen whom she has befriended off the ship—in order “to save a Jewish child.”
Ari’s angry yet eloquent reply expresses exactly why there must be a state of Israel: “You’re late lady. You’re years late. Jewish children butchered like animals because nobody wanted them. No country would have them. Not your country or any other. And nobody wants the ones who survived. Jewish flesh is cheap, lady. It’s cheaper than beef. It is cheaper, even than herring.”
Your humble servant was reminded of these lines yesterday. Khaled Juaidi, just released in the Shalit exchange after serving 25 years in Israel prison for stabbing to death three Israelis in separate attacks in Gaza in 1986, boasted that it only cost him 3 shekels “to kill a Jew”.
In an interview with the Islamic Terrorist Hamas newspaper Falasteen Al-An published on Friday, Juaidi crowed: “I used to buy a knife or dagger for a shekel and a half, and then pay another shekel and a half to get to the area to carry out the operation**.” He further bragged that it only took one knife strike to kill each Jew.
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Back in 1986, Juaidi’s barbarism was credited with igniting the “revolution of the knives” which resulted in numerous stabbing murders of Israelis throughout Israel and Judea and Samaria. In his interview, Juaidi encouraged other Palestinians today to emulate his example of ‘resistance.’
Last night, one day after the Juaidi interview appeared, 17 year old yeshiva student Yehuda Ne’emad was sitting on a street curb in the Ramot neighborhood of Jerusalem talking with a friend. In full view of other people on the sidewalk, an Arab assailant came up from behind and stabbed him viciously in the back. Fortunately, he survived and this morning his condition has been dramatically upgraded from ‘critical’ to ‘satisfactory’.
Are we beginning to witness another wave of stabbings sparked again by Khaled Juaidi? Jewish life is cheap, cheaper even than herring.
**Terminology pointer for today: note how Palestinians use the word “operation” to indicate “the cold-blooded, brutal murder of Israeli men, women, and children”.