UPDATES: Please note that because of increased terrorist attacks today, breaking news having to do with terrorist missile strikes will be posted here instead of in the israelstreet breaking news ticker.
10:00 pm: An unexpectedly quiet day here in southern Israel. No attacks since 4:16 am. We will see what the night brings, now that the first day of Id Al-Adha is over.
4:16 am: Terrorist rocket fired by Islamic terrorists in Gaza strikes area south of Ashkelon. No further details.
3:56 am: Terrorist mortar fire reported along border with Gaza. Apparently at least one injury.
2:47 am: Impending rocket sirens for Hof Ashkeon region south of Ashkelon.
1:04 am: Palestinian terrorist rocket fired into Israel strikes south of Ashkelon.
12:28 am: Impending terrorist rocket sirens for western Negev.
12:24 am: Impending terrorist sirens for Ashkelon Ports region.
12:12 am (Sunday): Qassam rocket fired into Israel–strikes south of Ashkelon.
9:54 pm (Saturday): Terrorist Qassam missile strikes the Eshkol region.
8:39 pm (Saturday): IAF strikes Islamic terror cell preparing to launch rockets. Senior commander and subordinate killed. Others wounded. Islamic terrorists vow revenge.

Children in Sderot who didn't have time to make it to a bomb shelter. Do you think the table will stop an incoming Qassam rocket?
This is what happened on Friday night.
Impending rocket sirens were heard throughout the Hof Ashkelon and Eshkol Council regions sending the residents of 16 kibbutzim, 26 moshavim, and five other communities running to their bomb shelters.
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At least one Qassam was officially reported as striking the area–another two were unofficially reported.
Here is the IDF announcement about Friday evening that appeared yesterday morning:
The Night Was Quiet In The Gaza Vicinity
The night was quiet in the area around Gaza after a Qassam rocket was fired at the Ashkelon Coast Region southern industrial area at 21:01 pm. There were no injuries in the incident. The IDF decided not to respond to the fire at this time.
The night was quiet? (Give your humble servant a break.)
There were no injuries? (Who can evaluate the emotional injuries or the number of children, elderly, or pregnant women who may have been injured running to the nearest bomb shelter?)
The IDF decided not to fire? (Why in the world not?)
Sometimes, your humble servant just wants to scream at the world.
Why are we Israelis here in the South angry? Because our lives revolve around impending terrorist rocket sirens and incoming terrorist missiles– and because we have lost faith in the ability of the IDF to do anything to stop them.
On November 6, 1956 Operation Kadesh came to an end bringing Israeli operations in the Sinai and Suez Canal area to a halt.
Suggested change: instead of “Gaza flotilla activists” use “Gaza flotilla criminals”
Background: The simple fact is that all the people who are trying to break through Israel’s legal blockade of Gaza are nothing but garden variety criminals breaking international law.
Practical use from a headline in the Jerusalem Post yesterday :
Government Begins Deporting Gaza Flotilla Activists Criminals