UPDATE: IDF arrests 4 wanted Palestinians in Judea and Samaria overnight. Heavy IAF activity in the air over Ashdod.

Naturalized Norwegian citizen and war criminal Mirsad Repak. The Norwegian Supreme Court has ruled that the "crimes against humanity" which he was convicted of were not crimes under the Norwegian Penal Code (See #3 below).
Yesterday we witnessed the unmitigated gall of Norwegian Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Stoere using the vocabulary of torture to accuse Israel of “waterboarding the Palestinian economy” because of Israel’s post-UNESCO freeze of Palestinian funds.
This is the same Foreign Minister Stoere who just last year praised a book that described Israel’s Operation Cast Lead intrusion into Gaza to stop thousands of terrorist rockets being fired at the citizens of southern Israel as “a monstrous, systematically implemented and comprehensive massacre.”
It is the same Stoere who stood in a press conference in Israel and defended Norway’s awarding of a medal of literature to a man who was a notorious Nazi sympathizer in World War II. Store’s comments on that occasion were facilely that one must separate a man’s failed political beliefs from his literary ability.
But back to yesterday. Why was Stoere’s gall unbelievable?
The next time you hear Norway accusing Israel or any other country of anything consider Amnesty International’s 2011 Annual Report on Norway (covering the year 2010)–which is divided into four categories:
1. Refugees, Migrants, and Asylum Seekers
In this section of the report, Amnesty International accuses Norway of not following the guidelines of the UNHCR–the UN refugee agency–by “forcibly” deporting refugees, migrants, and asylum-seekers out of Norway.
Amnesty specifically documents the case of one Norwegian asylum seeker: “In August, a Syrian Kurd rejected asylum-seeker, Abd al-Karim Hussein, was forcibly returned to Syria, where he was held in incommunicado detention for 15 days, during which time he said he was tortured. He was released without charge and subsequently fled Syria.”
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2. Violence Against Women
From the report: “Protection and access to justice for survivors of rape and other sexual violence remained inadequate in law and practice. The definition of rape in the General Civil Penal Code continued to link rape with the use or threat of physical violence by the perpetrator. Prosecution and conviction rates for rape remained low and national statistics on rape were not maintained.”
3. International Justice
From the report: “In March, the Borgarting Court of Appeal found Mirsad Repak, a naturalized Norwegian citizen who served in the Croatian Defence Forces, guilty of war crimes and crimes against humanity committed in 1992 at Dretelj detention camp, during the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In December, the [Norwegian] Supreme Court quashed the Court of Appeal’s decision to convict Mirsad Repak on charges related to war crimes and crimes against humanity, on the basis that these crimes were not part of the Norwegian Penal Code at the time they were committed.”
4. Legal, Constitutional or Institutional Developments
From the report: “By the end of the year, Norway had not signed the Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and continued to delay ratification of the Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture.”
Deportations, violence against women, international injustice, not ratifying the Protocol to the Convention against Torture–and accusing Israel of “waterboarding”?
Pompous, self-righteous, hypocritical. You can take your pick when choosing a word to describe the “enlightened” Norwegian government and its “enlightened” legion of citizens ready to fund delegitimization of Israel–and criticize Israel at the drop of a hat.
You can read the Amnesty report for yourself by clicking here: Amnesty International Report On Norway.
On November 25, 1942 the Palestine Post (later to become the Jerusalem Post) carried a report from the Polish government in exile of an order by Heinrich Himmler to kill all Polish Jews by the end of 1942. This was just one of many such reports carried in the Post during World War II–giving further lie to the nonsense that no one knew what was happening to the Jews of Europe.