UPDATE 10:30 am: The IDF has ceased firing at Hezbollah in southern Lebanon–having determined that it is not really Hezbollah firing Katyushas after all, but “some smaller group.” It’s the same pathetic IDF excuse for doing nothing that we in the South hear every time rockets are fired out of Gaza: “It’s not really Hamas–it’s some smaller group.”

Destruction wreaked by a Hezbollah Katyusha last night--but don't worry says the IDF, "It's not really Hezbollah firing the rockets from Lebanon."
UPDATE: Remember yesterday’s blog in which it was mentioned that Hezbollah now has some 15000 rockets on Israel’s northern border. 4 of them were fired at the citizens of northern Israel last night. The IDF (which takes no action here in southern Israel when Hamas fires rockets at us) is now firing artillery at targets in southern Lebanon. Check back to israelstreet breaking news for details throughout the day.
First, we citizens of southern Israel had to listen to our Israeli government unbelievably telling us in August that an operation against the Hamas terrorists to stop the rocket fire could not be mounted because it might upset the Egyptians. Yes you read that right: the safety of the men, women, and children was not as important as the feelings of the Egyptians.
Yesterday, all of Israel had to listen to Benjamin Netanyahu unbelievably tell us that restoration work in the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem must be postponed because it might “inflame” the Egyptian and Jordanian street. Yes you read that right: the Netanyahu government cannot undertake repairs in the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem because of the feelings of the Jordanian and Egyptian street.
And just who is leading the campaign to inflame the Arab street? The Islamic Wakf in Jerusalem.
And what is the restoration work that the Wakf is using to call for a jihad against Israel–a call for jihad that has so cowered the Netanyahu government?

Looking down the Western Wall, through the women's praying area, to the precariously dangerous Mughrabi Bridge stilted high overhead.
The Mughrabi Bridge is the ramp that begins in the Jewish Quarter below the Temple Mount and climbs to the Mughrabi Gate on the Temple Mount. Despite the fact that the Temple Mount can be accessed through eleven gates, the Mughrabi Gate is the only gate that the Islamic Wakf will permit non-Muslims to use to access the Temple Mount. Yes you read that right: the Islamic Wakf completely controls all access to Judaism’s holiest site.
In 2004-5 heavy rains and a minor earthquake caused the earthen ramp leading up to the Mughrabi Gate to become unsafe and in danger of collapse. After two years of wrangling with the Islamic Wakf, a temporary wooden bridge was constructed in the Jewish Quarter to lead up to the Gate.
Now the wooden bridge has become dangerous–swaying back and forth in the wind and appearing on the verge of collapse. Israel simply wants to replace the bridge. Again, this is not a bridge on the Temple Mount and not a bridge in the Muslim Quarter–but the Mughrabi Bridge in the Jewish Quarter!
This is what has happened since Moshe Dayan gave the Islamic Wakf control over the Temple Mount in 1967: (1) the Wakf decided to only allow Jews access to Judaism’s holiest place through one gate; (2) the Wakf declared that Jews could not carry a Torah to the Temple Mount or pray there; (3) the Wakf greatly restricted the days and hours that it would even allow the one gate to be open; (4) now the Wakf wants to make it impossible for Jews to get to the Temple Mount at all by not allowing the Mughrabi Bridge to be repaired.
What in the world has happened to Israel? Are our lives here supposed to be governed by the Arab street and the Islamic Wakf? Jihad or no jihad, it is high time to strip the Islamic Wakf of all of its power and relegate it to the garbage dump of history. It is high time to tell the Egyptians that Israeli citizens come first. For Israel to continue to bow to Muslim dictates concerning our country is simply outrageous and unacceptable.
1. PM Netanyahu announced yesterday that frozen Palestinian monies will likely now be released “because the Palestinians are no longer engaging in unilateral actions.”
What utter nonsense! Did the Palestinians withdraw their application for membership in the U.N.? Or withdraw their membership in UNESCO? Or stop their new coordinated plan to have the world boycott Israeli products? Or stop their Islamic Wakf from calling for a jihad against Israel?
2. Members of Netanyahu’s coalition also announced yesterday that the NGO bills “are almost dead”–bottled up by the Coalition in committee and not likely to be released any time soon. Unbelievable–again, what has happened to Netanyahu?

Jews here in what was soon to be Israel dancing in the street to celebrate the partition of Palestine on November 29, 1947.
On November 29, 1947, the United Nations voted to replace the British mandate for Palestine with Arab and Jewish states–U.N. Resolution 181.
The vote:
- In favor, (33 countries, 59%):
Byelorussian SSR,
Costa Rica,
Dominican Republic,
New Zealand,
South Africa,
Ukrainian SSR,
United States,
Soviet Union,
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- Against, (13 countries, 23%):
- Abstentions, (10 countries, 18%):
- Absent, (1 country, 0%):
If you have time today, read this amazing letter about the events on the evening of November 29, 1947 (click on this link).