UPDATE: Residents of southern Israel bombarded overnight with at least 3 Qassam rockets (Chof Ashkelon, Sha’ar Hanegev, Eshkol region) and mortar fire (Nahal Oz).
Your humble servant finds it appalling that world leaders believe that condemning what happened in the Holocaust gives them a green light to attack Israel at every turn.
These leaders believe that all they have to do is condemn the Nazis—and voila!—they suddenly possess the moral high ground that makes all of their past statements condemning Israel, as well as all of their future ones, morally acceptable.
Never mind that the six million Jews who died in the Holocaust are dead and that the six million Jews who are alive in Israel today are fighting for their very existence (see today’s UPDATE and israelstreet breaking news); criticizing the Nazis seems to enable one to criticize Israel–and worse, to actively support Israel’s demise.
A case in point.
Jens Stoltenberg, the Prime Minister of Norway, apologized yesterday for Norwegian complicity in the rounding up of Norwegian Jews during World War II.
Speaking some 70 years after the fact and at the place where 532 Jews were herded by Norwegians onto the cargo ship Donau for transport to Auschwitz, Stoltenberg offered these words of apology (while going to great pains to lay the ‘actual’ blame on the Nazis):
“Without relieving the Nazis of their responsibility, it is time for us to acknowledge that Norwegian policemen and other Norwegians took part in the arrest and deportation of Jews. Today I feel it is fitting for me to express our deepest apologies that this could happen on Norwegian soil. The murders were unquestionably carried out by the Nazis, but it was Norwegians who carried out the arrests, it was Norwegians who drove the trucks … and it happened in Norway.”
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No joke. Norwegian government records report that out of the 772 Jews who were rounded up by the Norwegians, only 34 survived.

Norwegian Jews awaiting transport on the SS Donau (in the background)--one of the few pictures of this tragic event. (Photo courtesy of thankstoscandinavia.org)
Stoltenberg’s remarks come from a man whose government does everything within its power to support any organization that it can find that delegitimizes Israel and more specifically supports Hamas terrorism against Israel (see my previous blogs “Pompous, Self-Righteous Hypocritical Norway: The 2011 Amnesty International Report and “Extreme Norway”).
Listen in the coming days, weeks, and months; it won’t be long until Stoltenberg–or a member of his government–will be on the front lines attacking Israel again.
After all, they now have the ‘right’ to do so.
On January 28, 1999, the United Nations Security Council passed Resolution 1223 which extended the UNIFIL mandate in south Lebanon for another six months.
The absurdity of UNIFIL became abundantly clear in the years following as terrorist Hezbollah armed itself to the teeth with over 15,ooo missiles under UNIFIL’s nose, staged cross border raids into Israel, and ‘kidnapped’ Israeli soldiers (soldiers whom they had already killed).