UPDATE: (5:45 pm Monday): Two Qassams struck southern Israel on Sunday, and Israelis were assaulted in numerous rock-throwing attacks.
An Israeli bus near Hevron has just been damaged by a fusillade of rocks thrown by Palestinian terrorists–fortunately no physical injuries to Israelis have been reported but undoubtedly many passengers are suffering from shock.
The time has come to call an intifada an intifada.
What else can you call a situation in which southern Israel is now being pounded with a minimum of two or three Qassams every day by Hamas Palestinian terrorists in Gaza? What else can you call a situation in which individual Israeli drivers and Israelis buses are assaulted in dozens of “rock throwing” attacks every day by Palestinian terrorists in Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria (at this very moment, there has been a report of a major “rock throwing” attack on an Israeli bus near Hevron)?

American legislators examining the Palestinian destruction of Jewish graves on the Mount of Olives. Shortly afterward they were assaulted by "rock" throwers.
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What else can you call a situation in which the Mount of Olives Jewish cemetery in Jerusalem is no longer safe to visit because of the danger of an Arab attack (a visiting delegation of American legislators was attacked there this week)? What else can you call a situation in which Israeli neighborhoods and towns are now off-limits to police (such as the Bedouin village of Tel Sheva near Beersheva) because they are too dangerous?
What else can you call a situation in which suicide vests are now being smuggled across the Egypt-Sinai border into Israel (a ‘large’ bomb and vests were intercepted by the IDF this morning)? What else can you call a situation in which two Israeli soldiers were beaten with baseball bats to within an inch of their lives by Israeli Arabs earlier this week in Haifa?
What else can you call the daily call to arms by the terrorists in Hamas Gaza, the increasing incitement of the leaders of the PLO/Palestinian Authority (note Mahmoud Abbas’ call in Qatar this week for a Muslim invasion of Jerusalem), and the intensifying attempts of Israeli Arab leaders (such as Ahmed Tibi and Haneen Zoabi) to undermine and destroy Israel?
What else can you call the series of updates posted on this blog over this past weekend (updates that only reported a small percentage of what actually took place):
UPDATE (10:22 pm Sunday): Terrorists “stone” Israeli vehicles near Gush Etzion. (8:48 pm): Eshkol Region of southern Israel hit by at least 1 Qassam rocket. No further information. (7 pm): A Qassam rocket fired by Palestinian terrorists in Hamas Gaza struck at the Eshkol Region Israel at 6:24 this morning. At least 5 Qassams struck Israel yesterday–bringing to 18 missiles and mortars that have struck southern Israel in the last 48 hours. (12:00 am): Palestinian terrorists launch rockets from Gaza at Ein Hashlosha. (11:33 pm Saturday): IDF forces along Gaza border attacked by Hamas terrorists. (10:18) pm: More rockets fired by Islamist Hamas terrorists at residents of southern Israel. (9:51 pm): Impending terrorist rocket alert in Ashkelon. (9:50 pm): Two terrorists arrested in Qabalan for throwing “rocks” at Israeli vehicles. (9:45 pm): Red siren rocket alert for northern Negev. (6:45 pm): Palestinian Hamas terrorists fire Qassam rocket at Ashkelon. (12:20 am): Incoming rocket sirens for Ashkelon. Friday (11:35 pm): Grad launched by Palestinian terrorists from Gaza. (10:30 pm): Scattered skirmishes along Gaza border between terrorists and IDF. (9:46 pm): Palestinian terrorists fire mortars at Nahal Oz. (9:09 pm): Incoming rocket sirens sound throughout southern Israeli communities. (7:45 pm): Impending rocket sirens blare all over southern Israel communities close to Gaza. (5:25 pm): Hundreds of Islamist Palestinian Arabs rioting on the Temple Mount–throwing “stones” at the Mughrabi Gate which is the entrance for Israelis and tourists. At least one tourist reported injured. Police storm Temple Mount–11 police officers injured. (4:52 pm): Palestinian Hamas Qassam rocket strikes the Israeli communities of the western Negev. (4:25 pm) Security forces arrest four Palestinian rioters in Hevron who were throwing “rocks” and Molotov cocktails. (4:24 pm) Israeli bus near Gush Etzion assaulted by Palestinian “rock” throwers. (2:39 pm) Impending missile warning for communities near Gaza of ‘high trajectory’ missile launch by Hamas terrorists in Gaza.
Although your humble servant is not sure that the first intifada ever really ended, the so-called third intifada has arrived. The sooner Israeli authorities admit this, the sooner they can get on with the business of protecting Israelis.