UPDATE (6 pm Saturday): At 3:40 pm, two Palestinian terrorists were captured by the Border Police near the Tapuach Junction carrying five IEDs, two knives, and a gun. Both terrorists are from Shechem (Nablus). At 2:20 pm, Israel’s Counter-Terrorism Bureau issued a call for all Israeli civilians to leave the Sinai immediately.

Israeli soldiers in Bil'in trying to defend themselves against an onrushing mob of Palestinians, Israeli leftists, and international lawbreakers.
Your humble servant is continually struck at how the the Western media and Israeli media have bought into the Palestinian and Arabic manipulation of language. Yesterday, the following disinformation appeared on the website of the International Middle East Media Center under the title “This Week In Palestine”; words that are “in bold” are the ones that I would like for you to consider:
The Nonviolence Report:
Let’s begin our weekly report with the nonviolent activities in the West Bank. This week Israeli soldiers used tear gas and chemical water to suppress protesters.
In . . . Nil’in village, international and Israeli supporters joined villagers and marched up to the gate of the wall separating local farmers from their lands. Soldiers retaliated by firing tear gas at them, however no injuries were reported.
In the nearby village of Bil’in, also in the central West Bank, Israeli troops fired tear gas and rubber-coated steel bullets at the villagers and their supporters before reaching the wall. Many were treated for the effects of tear gas inhalation.
In the village of Kufer Kadom, in the northern West Bank, Israeli troops fired tear gas and sound bombs against farmers and their Israeli and international supporters as they protested against the Israeli wall on Friday.
Also on Friday in the south of the West bank, villagers of Al Ma’ssara near Bethlehem marched against the annexation wall.
Let’s consider these one by one:
1. Nonviolence = violence. In the Palestinian’s Orwellian world, all one has to do is call “black” “white” and the world agrees. Every action described in the snippets involve violent actions taken by Palestinians and their cohorts.
2. Non-violent activities = violent activities.
3. West Bank = Judea and Samaria.
As regular readers of this blog know, your humble servant never refers to Judea and Samaria as the West Bank–the latter being a term of colonial exploitation invented by the Jordanians to refer to land they illegally occupied between 1948-1967. Judea and Samaria have been the names of this land for thousands of years.
4. Protestors = violent protestors
5. Village = town.
“Village” is a word blatantly used to make the West think that the Palestinians are and have been living peacefully and sleepily in hamlets for thousands of years. Palestinian “villages” are simply “towns” and “villagers” are “townspeople”.
6. The villagers and their supporters = the townspeople and the violent lawbreakers support them. Similarly, the farmers and their international supporters = the violent townspeople and the violent international left-wing violent lawbreakers that support them.
7. Marched up to the wall: threw rocks and burning tires at Israeli soldiers
8. The wall, the wall separating the farmers from their land, the annexation wall = the suicide bomber prevention fence.
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No one has to tell you, dear reader that this fence has been extraordinarily successful in stopping suicide bombers from blowing up Israeli men, women, and children.
9. Fired tear gas and rubber-coated steel bullets, fired tear gas and sound bombs = acted in non-lethal self defense to protect themselves by firing tear gas, rubber-coated steel bullets, and sound bombs
—Now, let’s rewrite the Media Center report to tell the truth—:
The Violence Report:
Let’s begin our weekly report with the violent activities in the Judea and Samaria. This week Israeli soldiers acted in non-lethal self-defense by using tear gas and chemical water to suppress violent protesters.
In the town of Nil’in, international and Israeli violent left-wing lawbreakers joined townspeople and threw rocks and burning tires at Israeli soldiers and the gate of the suicide bomber prevention fence. Soldiers acted in non-lethal self-defense by firing tear gas at them, however no injuries were reported.
In the nearby town of Bil’in, also in the central West Bank, Israeli troops acted in non-lethal self-defense by firing tear gas and rubber-coated steel bullets at the townspeople and violent lawbreakers before they could reach the suicide bomber prevention fence. Many were treated for the effects of tear gas inhalation.
In the town of Kufer Kadom, in northern Samaria, Israeli troops acted in non-lethal self-defense by firing tear gas and sound bombs against violent protestors and their violent left-wing Israeli and international lawbreakers as they threw rocks and burning tires at Israeli soldiers and the suicide bomber prevention fence on Friday.
Also on Friday in the Judean town of Al Ma’ssara near Bethlehem, townspeople and violent lawbreakers threw rocks and burning tires at Israeli soldiers and against the suicide bomber prevention fence.
—Now as a regularly written article—:
The Violence Report:
Let’s begin our weekly report with the violent activities in the Judea and Samaria. This week Israeli soldiers acted in non-lethal self-defense by using tear gas and chemical water to suppress violent protesters.
In the town of Nil’in, international and Israeli violent left-wing lawbreakers joined townspeople and threw rocks and burning tires at Israeli soldiers and at the gate of the suicide bomber prevention fence. Soldiers acted in non-lethal self-defense by firing tear gas at them, however no injuries were reported.
In the nearby town of Bil’in, also in the central West Bank, Israeli troops acted in non-lethal self-defense by firing tear gas and rubber-coated steel bullets at the townspeople and violent lawbreakers before they could reach the suicide bomber prevention fence. Many were treated for the effects of tear gas inhalation.
In the town of Kufer Kadom, in northern Samaria, Israeli troops acted in non-lethal self-defense by firing tear gas and sound bombs against violent protesters and violent left-wing Israeli and international lawbreakers as they threw rocks and burning tires at Israeli soldiers and the suicide bomber prevention fence on Friday.
Also on Friday in the Judean town of Al Ma’ssara near Bethlehem, townspeople and their violent supporters marched against the suicide bomber prevention fence.
Tomorrow, unless events intervene, your humble servant will review these terms–and add ones that have already been mentioned in previous blogs. It is well past time for a lexicon of truth to be used to describe events in Israel.