UPDATE 6 pm Israel time Tuesday. At sunrise this morning, worshipers at the Tehilat David synagogue in Tel Zion (a Samarian community between Beit El and Ramah) found its sanctuary had been vandalized and its Torah scrolls desecrated. After an initial investigation, a police spokesman says that evidence indicates that Palestinians from the nearby settlement of al-Birah are responsible.

PM Netanyahu speaking on Ammunition Hill in Jerusalem two days ago in celebration of Jerusalem Day (source: http://vinienco.com).
Two days ago, Israel joyously celebrated Jerusalem Day–as part of a week long celebration of Israel’s eternal capital.
Actually the celebration has not been completely joyous as the miniscule Israeli “Left” has once again taken to the media to do all it can to delegitimize and undermine the status of Israel’s eternal capital.
Former PM Ehud Olmert, the same Ehud Olmert who in 2007 ludicrously sought to give away the Temple Mount to a consortium of the PLO/Palestinian Authority, Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and the United States, began the leftist rant by declaring to all who would listen that “the only way to achieve peace with the Palestinians” is to “redivide the city.”
Meretz leader Zehava Gal-On then piled on: “The real Jerusalem is not Jerusalem of gold, but a city rusty from oppression, occupation, ultra-Orthodoxy, and poverty.”
At a tiny protest in Jerusalem on Sunday evening organized by Gush Shalom (the supposed home of the Israel “peace” coalition), a handful of Gush Shalom representatives joined with Palestinians to declare that Jerusalem Day should be abolished. One of the Arab women present noted that “I’m here to say that Jerusalem is an Arab city and there is nothing called the unification of Jerusalem.”
Olmert’s, Gal-On’s, and Gush Shalom’s comments were in stark contrast to PM Benjamin Netanyahu’s remarks throughout the celebrations. Speaking on Ammunition Hill on Sunday at the site of where the battle for Jerusalem began in 1967, Netanyahu eloquently expressed the importance of Jerusalem to Israel and the Jewish people:
“We will protect Jerusalem, because Israel without Jerusalem is like a body without a heart. On this hill, 45 years ago, the united heart of our people began to beat again, with full power. Our heart will never be divided again.
Our generation had a great privilege – we saw the words of the prophets come true. We saw the rise of Zion, the return of Jewish sovereignty in the Land of Israel, the in-gathering of exiles, and our return to Jerusalem.
This is the place in which our past was revealed and our future is built. We developed Jerusalem in the north, south, east and west, and we will keep building our capital. We will make sure Jerusalem’s golden light will shine on our people, and spread the light of Jerusalem to the whole world.”
At a special Knesset plenum session yesterday, Netanyahu declared that no one should ever harbor any illusions that Israel will ever give up the Temple Mount because to do so would mark the end of freedom of religion and surrender to radical Islam.
Netanyahu concluded his remarks by simply stating: “The Temple Mount is in our hands and it shall remain in our hands.”
Never has the difference between what remains of the Israeli “left” and the vast majority of those in Israel been clearer–and never has the reason that the Israeli “left” has fallen into such utter disrepute been more clearly exemplified.
According to information released on Sunday by the Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies:
The total population of Jerusalem: 801,000
Religious composition: 497,000 Jews; 281,000 Moslems ; 14,000 Christians; 9000 no religious affiliation
2011 births: 22,000 (14,000 Jews, 7900 Muslims)
2011 birthrate: Jewish mothers 4.2, Muslim mothers 3.9 (by contrast in 1999, the Jewish birthrate was 3.8 and the Muslim birthrate was 4.4)