UPDATE 7 pm Israel time Friday:
There were multiple Palestinian Hamas rocket attacks against the citizens of southern Israel last night. Check israelstreet breaking news for the latest details.
Today has seen a variety of interesting quotes from Israel and the neighborhood which your humble servant offers for your critical analysis and edification.

Kofi Annan meeting with Bashir Assad: an exercise in futility obvious to everyone except Kofi Annan.
Quote 1: “Clearly, the time has come to determine what more can be done to secure implementation of the plan. We must also chart a clearer course for a peaceful transition, if we [the international community] are to help the government and opposition, as well as Syrian society, to help resolve the crisis. If not, Syria will likely face a future of brutal repression, massacres, sectarian violence, and even all-out civil war.”
Kofi Annan, the joint United Nations-Arab League envoy to Syria and former U.N. Secretary General
Could anyone be more delusional? There already is a civil war, massive sectarian violence, and brutal repression. And hardly a day goes by without a new report of massacres–most recently this morning in Qubeir. At this point, how could anyone possibly believe that the Syrian regime will bow to the dictates of the international community?
Quote 2: “The IAEA behaves like a Western spy service; Iran’s military activities are none of the IAEA’s business. We will not permit our national security to be jeopardized.”
Ali Asghar Soltanieh, Iran’s envoy to IAEA (the International Atomic Energy Agency)
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Remember how last month the P5 +1 absurdly gave Iran until June 20th to come back to the so-called “negotiating table” to discuss its nuclear program–specifically to describe how the Iranian nuclear program is going to be dismantled? Catherine Ashton, the EU Foreign Minister waxed metaphorically, crowing that progress had been made and that both sides were “in agreement on many issues.” What a sad joke. Iran continues to play the West like a fiddle, and Ashton like the buffoon that she is.
Quote 3: “The foreign activists and the cameras are Palestinian weapons.”
Fauzi Shehade, Orif Council head (the Orif Council is a group of Palestinian villages in Samaria)
Of course Shehade is exactly right. International lawbreakers who come to Israel are willing dupes who do nothing except try to undermine Israel at every opportunity. But what Shehade conveniently omits is that they are not the only Palestinian “weapons.” Everyday sees Palestinian missiles fired at southern Israel, Palestinian IED attacks against the IDF on the Gaza border and in Judea and Samaria, and Palestinian knife and gun attacks against Israelis everywhere.
Quote 4. “We realize that the Arabs are not confused when it comes to their identity and goal. The Hamas supporter from Nablus and many Arab Israelis – those with the jeans and iPhones – share a common goal: to delegitimize the Jewish nation. People who come to live in the land of Israel understand this war.”
Avraham Binyamin, Yitzhar spokesman (Yitzhar is a Jewish community in Samaria)
Binyamin is precisely correct. Arabs are united in their efforts to attack Israel on every front–and it is a war. Thank goodness for people like Binyamin who recognize the threat and confront it.