UPDATE 9 am Israel time Sunday:
Following in the footsteps of the Tunisian vendor last year, Moshe Silman, a Haifa resident believed to be in his late 40s, set himself on fire during last night’s social justice demonstrations in Tel Aviv.
A note he read before pathetically lighting himself (in front of a crowd with cellphone cameras) said: “Israel stole me and robbed me, left me without anything . . . I blame the state of Israel, Bibi Netanyahu and Steinitz. . . They take from the poor and give to the rich.” He is classified in “very serious” condition this morning with 3rd degree burns over 80% of his body.

Hillary Clinton adoringly admires Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi yesterday--but not to worry, there was no physical touching--not even a diplomatic handshake--out of deference to Morsi's devout Islamism which prohibits such contact with a woman.
Sometimes you don’t know whether to laugh or cry.
Here we had U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in Cairo yesterday for a meeting with newly elected Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi of the Muslim Brotherhood–a man who just a week ago told a cheering crowd in Tahrir Square that one of his first orders of business would be to work for the release of Sheikh Omar Abdel-Rahman.
Sheikh Abdel-Rahman, you may remember, is the same Islamist sheikh who was convicted and imprisoned in the U.S. as the mastermind of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing in New York–and whose fatwa for jihad against the U.S. was used by Osama bin Laden to rally his forces for the 9/11 terrorist attacks that murdered more than 3000 Americans.
But back to Clinton and her performance yesterday. The meeting began without the usual diplomatic handshake apparently “out of deference to Morsi’s Muslim faith.” Yet that didn’t stop Clinton from gushing that she was “very keen” to meet Morsi and “happy that he was there [in the presidential palace].”
Shortly thereafter, Clinton gushed again in a meeting with Egypt’s new Foreign Minister Mohamed Amr that she was anxious for Morsi to meet with Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu. To which Amr gushed back that he was looking forward to the day when Jerusalem was the capital of Palestine. No mention was apparently made of the Egyptian decision, reported several days ago in this israelstreet blog, to “permanently open” the Rafah crossing from Egypt into Gaza.
But Abdel-Rahman, Jerusalem, and Palestinian terrorist Hamas are all just minor details to Clinton and the Americans who fought ardently for the day that Morsi and the Brotherhood would “democratically” take power–even going so far as to host a pre-Egyptian election strategic planning meeting with a Muslim Brotherhood delegation in the White House in April.
Actually, of course, the truth is that the Obama Administration would also like to see Hamas rehabilitated and Jerusalem as a capital of Palestine (it is no accident that the U.S. government will not move its embassy to Jerusalem and fights in court to not allow American citizens to list their birthplace as Jerusalem, “Israel”). In this context, Clinton’s final gush to Morsi was totally unsurprising: “Our strategic interests far outnumber our differences.”
So where is Clinton heading this morning after her lovefest in Cairo? To here in Israel where she will go to Israel’s capital city of Jerusalem to criticize the Israeli government for not giving enough concessions to the Palestinians to get Abbas back to the negotiating table, and for continuing to build Jewish homes, schools, and hospitals in Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria.
But at least on this visit, Clinton will be more tempered. After all, Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney is coming to Jerusalem for a major visit in two weeks, and Clinton must do all she can to manipulate American voters into sticking with Obama in November.
A sad note:
Professsor Shlomo Buntin, winner of the 2012 Israel Prize for his extraordinary “scientific contributions to science and science in general psychology, cognitive psychology and neuropsychology in particular” was killed yesterday in Berkeley, California when his bicycle was struck by a truck.
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