UPDATE 11 am Israel time Friday:
In the last 30 hours, as has been reported in israelstreet breaking news, six Palestinian terrorists have been killed: three while they were in a car on the way to launch rockets, and three more who were attempting to plant IEDs near the Israel-Gaza border fence.
While this was going on, at least 8 missiles and mortars were fired into communities bordering Gaza–reports of these strikes have come almost exclusively from observers in those communities; virtually no “official” information has been released. These attacks have continued unabated this morning with Netivot having been struck in recent hours.
Also, the rash of Molotov cocktail and “rock” throwing assaults has continued throughout Judea and Samaria overnight with numerous buses, cars, and IDF patrols coming under attack.
This is one of those days where there is so much to write about that your humble servant doesn’t know what to focus on.
**Should we focus on how Israel has been absurdly lambasted by “human rights” organizations for not letting in 21 Eritrean migrants who were trapped in “no man’s land” on Egyptian-Israel border between the Egyptian Sinai fence and the Israeli Sinai fence?

Eritreans sit in no-man's land between the Israel border fence and the Egyptian border fence. IDF soldiers supplied tarps, water, and food as a humanitarian gesture.
On Wednesday night we even had the grand poobah himself, William Tall, “The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees In Israel” (can you believe that such an office even exists?) ordering Israel to “step up to its responsibilities” and allow them to apply for asylum in Israel. Why in the world is it Israel’s responsibility to let Eritrean migrant workers into the country–is there any country in the world required to do so?
And why Israel and not Egypt? Because according to Tall, Egypt is a place where there is a “high degree of insecurity.” By the way, the situation was resolved yesterday when two women and a teenager were admitted into Israel for medical care, while the other eighteen Eritreans went back into Egypt.
**Or should we focus on the outrageous actions of the Israeli Police Commander Boaz Goldberg at the Migron evacuation on Tuesday? Your humble servant has long been a critic of Ehud Barak and his minions in the IDF and police as they have obsessively devoted their attention to razing Jewish homes in Judea and Samaria while terming the Jewish members of those communities as “right-wing extremists”.
As was noted in this blog two days ago, almost all of the residents had already peacefully left the Migron site before the police arrived to evict them (and those that had not, peacefully left when the police arrived). However, about two dozen teenagers who were not from Migron, locked themselves into two trailers, and climbed on top of one mobile home from which they threw water at the police.
At this point, the police placed ladders against the mobile home, and Goldberg repeatedly yelled at his police to go up the ladders and “kill them”. On the videotape made at the scene and shown on Israeli TV, Goldberg repeatedly screams “Get up there and kill them, get them down here so we can kill them.” He even tells one teenager after arresting him: “You’re dead. You will die.”
I mention this story so that you will remember what Ehud Barak has wrought in Judea and Samaria–and how the police are doing everything except what they are supposed to be doing.
**Or should we focus on the continuing fiasco with U.S. President Obama who is now ridiculously being praised for insisting that “God” and “Jerusalem” be put into the Democratic Plaform–when it has been revealed by Politico that Obama had actually “seen the language” of the platform omitting the two words before the convention started–and apparently had signed off on the omissions.
**Or should we focus on Adalah’s attempted Islamization of Beersheva . . . no I think we will focus on that tomorrow . . .
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