UPDATE 11 am Israel time Friday:
More “rock” throwing attacks by Palestinian terrorists against Israeli targets overnight. In Umm-al-Fahm, Israeli Arabs attacked an IDF vehicle in what was later described as a revenge attack on Israel because of the “anti-Mohammed” video causing so much violence in the Muslim world.
Why an Israeli Arab would attack an IDF vehicle because of a video produced in the United States by a Coptic Christian is anyone’s guess.
Of course, as violent attacks against U.S. interests increase, ever more sordid information emerges about the attack on the U.S. Ambassador to Libya. Photographs have emerged showing that he was not killed by the rocket attack on his vehicle–but instead by Muslims who dragged him out of his car. However, according to Lebanese and Libyan news sources Stephens was not killed before he was raped.

Ambassador Christopher Stephens did not die in the rocket attack. This picture which was obviously taken after the attack shows that Stephens was still alive (note his open eyes). Whether this picture was taken before or after he was raped by the Muslims is not known (photo source: The Nation).
As for President Obama, his comments yesterday to the Spanish station Telemundo that Egypt “is not an ally” are being countered this morning by his own State Department. And the White House is desperately trying to “walk back” Obama’s statement by declaring that he merely meant that Egypt is not “a NATO” ally–and thus not an “ally” in the legal sense of the word. Unbelievable.
Ten days from tomorrow on September 25th, the United Nations General Assembly will open in New York. On the next day, Yom Kippur, the holiest day in the Jewish year, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad will speak to the assembled delegates.
Ahmadinejad will rant and rave about his favorite subjects: perhaps about how the Holocaust didn’t really happen, or perhaps about homosexuality is a Zionist plot to rule the world, or maybe even about how Harry Potter is a Zionist plot to promote devil worship.
He may even talk, as he has in the last few months about how the Iranian terrorist attack on Israeli tourists in Bulgaria was actually a Zionist plot, or how the union between Bahrain and Saudi Arabia is a Zionist plot, or how the London Olympics was a Zionist plot with a Zionist logo, or how the international drug trade is actually a Zionist plot run by Talmudic scholars.
And on and on about how Iran needs uranium enriched to nuclear weapons grade for peaceful energy uses.
But what is most appalling–even more than the pathetically absurd things that Ahmadinejad will say–is what the pathetic “assembled delegates” will do. They will sit in their seats, give Ahmadinejad their rapt attention, and politely or maybe vociferously applaud his remarks.
How have we gotten to a point in the world where hideously slimy terrorists are warmly received at international gatherings (of course, there is really nothing new about this at the U.N. –remember Yasser Arafat ranting from podium of the General Assembly with a gun in his belt?).
Wouldn’t it be nice if some country had the moral integrity to take a stand against the terrorism being perpetrated around the world by Iran?
Wouldn’t it be nice if some country had the moral fiber to stand up and support Israel at a time when Israel seems ever more governmentally isolated?
We all know by now there is one such country in the world–and that country is Canada.

Canadian Foreign Minister John Baird talking to reporters in Vladiovstok last week after announcing that Canada was cutting all diplomatic ties with Iran. The question is not why Canada is cutting all ties, but why the rest of the world is not.
When Canadian Foreign Minister John Baird announced last week (while on a trip to Russia) that Canada was closing down its embassy in Tehran and kicking Iranian “diplomats” out of Canada, the world was shocked. “Diplomatic Fiasco” screamed the headlines in many papers followed by articles branding PM Steven Harper’s government as “neocon conservative extremist”.
But Baird and Harper weren’t buying any of this blather. The next day Canada added Iran to its list of countries that are “state sponsors of terrorism.”
Your humble servant ends this blog today by applauding the Canadians who have the moral backbone to do what is right.
A daily feature of this blog is the recognition of those of you who support Israel by donating to this website. Today we are highlighting “Sarah” of “Atlanta, GA”:
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