UPDATE 11 am Israel time Wednesday:
Molotov cocktails were thrown at IDF personnel and Border Guards near Shuafat overnight and “rocks” were thrown at Israelis and Israeli motorists in numerous locations.

Now who exactly are these people? Are they Muslims, Muslim extremists, Islamists, radical Islamists, Salafists or ?
As regular readers of this blog know, an ongoing theme of israelstreet has been the use of correct terminology to describe and frame the discussion about Israel. To that end, I have suggested vocabulary that Israel supporters should use to describe people, organizations, actions, and even places; my point has always been that “words make a difference.”
It has been heartwarming to see the response.
Not only have I have received letters from people all over the world discussing how the conversation changed when they stopped using anti-Israel vocabulary, but also it has been encouraging to see other bloggers and even leading columnists pick up the israelstreet suggested vocabulary and begin using it.
Today begins a two-part “vocabulary series” about terms that you should be using when discussing Israel–starting with a focus on the term “Muslim” and continuing tomorrow with an updated version of the entire israelstreet lexicon.
Your humble servant would like for you to think about how “Muslim terminology” has evolved over time–as the West has nauseatingly bought into the fraudulent Muslim narrative that “Islam is the religion of peace.”
Decades ago, it used to be that the word “Muslim” was used to describe the people of Islamic faith who committed barbaric terrorist acts. Next, in order to make “Muslims” appear peaceful, the media began using the term “Muslim fundamentalists” to describe such terrorists, followed by “Muslim extremists”, and followed by “Muslim fanatics”.
But “Muslim fanatics” was soon judged too extreme and discriminatory (after all, aren’t we supposed to believe–the events of the last week aside–that most Muslims are ‘moderate’?), and the word “Islamists” began to pervade the media. But with the advent of the so-called “Arab Spring” and the “Islamist” takeover of North Africa, the West needed to make “Islamists” seem peaceful, so the word “Islamists” is now gradually being replaced by “militant Islamists”, and “hostile Islamists”, and “radical Islamists”–and the newest favorite media word “Salafists.”
Consider a few sentences from the Jerusalem Post this morning:
“Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal arrived in Cairo earlier this week for talks with Egyptian government officials. . .representatives of the Islamist movement said.”
Note how Hamas, which used to be an organization of “Muslim extremists” and then “militant Islamists”, is now portrayed positively as merely “Islamist”.
Or how about these sentences from the Post this morning about Pope Benedict’s weekend trip to Lebanon:
“Few of the Christians who form about 10% of Syria’s population have joined the uprising. Some fear it could bring hostile Islamists to power in a fight raging just 50 km east of Beirut.”
“[the Pope’s] call to Christians not to leave the region despite war and growing pressure from radical Islamists.”
And who wants peace according to the Pope? At his departure ceremony at Beirut Airport, the Pope declared: “The Arab world and the whole world . . . have seen Christians and Muslims united in this troubled time to celebrate peace.”
Benedict would have us believe that Muslims wants peace.
Your humble servant would suggest that Muslims are fundamentalist, extremist, fanatic, Islamist, militant Islamist, hostile Islamist, radical Islamist, and Salafist. So vocabulary point number one today is a simple one: stop buying into the Western media narrative about Islam.
1. Use “Muslims” instead of Muslim fundamentalists, Muslim extremists, Muslim fanatics,Islamists, militant Islamists, hostile Islamists, radical Islamists, and Salafists.
The time has come once again to call a Muslim a Muslim.
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