UPDATE 11 am Israel time Saturday:
Fridays are always violent in Israel. As the imams at Muslim mosques end their Friday services around 1 pm, they encourage those in attendance to go out and attack Israelis wherever they can find them.
Yesterday was no different:
*Alarms sounded throughout various regions of southern Israel in the early afternoon for incoming mortars and missiles.
*An IDF checkpoint in Shechem was attacked by Palestinian rioters.
*In Nabi Saleh, Palestinian terrorists joined with self-proclaimed “peaceful international human rights activists” to assault IDF troops and Border Guards with “rocks” and burning tires.
*Nowhere was the criminal terrorism more pronounced than on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem (see Today’s Blog below).
Speaking of self-proclaimed “peaceful international human rights activists” who are in reality violent international lawbreakers, we had another moment in the international theater of the absurd yesterday when Rachel Corrie (of bulldozer notoriety) posthumously joined Lady Gaga and Pussy Riot among others as a winner of LennonOno “Grant For Peace”, awarded in Reykjavik, Iceland.
Your humble servant kindly requests that you put on your critical thinking cap this morning and read the following short and outrageous article from Yediot Ahronot about the incident early yesterday afternoon on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem–the holiest place in all of Judaism.
Please focus on the pathetic actions of the Jerusalem police and Border Guards:
“Arabs Stone Police on Temple Mount”
“Several hundred Arab worshipers stoned police forces near the Mughrabi Gate, at the entrance to [the] Temple Mount, following the end of Friday [Muslim] prayers. Police and Border Guard officers used crowd-control measures to disperse the crowd. No injuries were reported. The police are canvassing the area for the incident’s instigators.
The police said visits to [the] Temple Mount were undisturbed by the incident. Friday’s stoning followed a similar event that took place on Thursday. Police forces arrested three right-wing activists who were trying to enter Temple Mount after the compound was closed for the day. Several Arab worshipers that were on the premises stoned police forces, causing no harm.”
Can you believe what you just read?
Can you believe that the Jerusalem police and Border Guards allowed several hundred Palestinian Arab ‘worshipers’ to attack them with complete impunity? (By the way, the Arab worshipers were not merely assaulting the police, they were also assaulting the Jews praying at the Kotel–Western Wall–in the plaza below).
Can you believe that the Jerusalem police and Border Guards were so inept that they could not find who instigated the incident? Of course not, any five-year-old Israeli child knows that the instigators were the Muslim imams at the Dome of the Rock and Al-Aqsa mosques–both of whom are under the direct control of the Islamic Wakf.
But wait!
Maybe the instigators were not Muslims at all–but Jews–and not just any Jews but evil “right wing activists”. Isn’t that what happened the day before? The article would have us believe that three Jews who tried to enter Judaism’s holiest place on Thursday “after hours” sparked a similar violent assault against the police. And who was arrested by the police? Certainly not the Palestinian Muslims who assaulted them–but the Israeli Jews who did nothing but try to pray!
But, the article concludes, we shouldn’t worry; the Palestinian assault on the police caused “no harm” (never mind that the police and border guards are dressed in protective gear like robotic drone soldiers in a scene from Star Wars).
Incidents like the one yesterday and Thursday have had two profound effects in Israel.
First, tired of having the Islamic Wakf control the Temple Mount and viewing scenes of Palestinian Muslim rioters on the Mount attacking Jews, 52% of the Israeli public (92% of the religious and 43% of the secular) now believe that Jews should be allowed to pray on the Temple Mount.
Even some Hasidic rabbis (who used to argue that there should be no Jewish presence on the Mount until the Mashiach appears) are openly promoting visits to and prayer on the Mount. The most notable of these rabbis is Belz Hasidic Rabbi Yosef Elboim though his “Movement for the Establishment of the Temple”.
Given this level of support for Jewish prayer on the Mount, it is not surprising that a few weeks ago, as was reported in an israelstreet blog, MK Aryeh Eldad of the National Union party submitted a bill in the Knesset to allow Jews to pray on the Temple Mount and to divide the week between Jewish and Muslim worshipers.
Second, there has been a small but increasing surge of support for the movement to build a Third Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount. When once there was only one “fringe” group, The Temple Mount Faithful, urging the construction of a Third Temple, today the movement has begun to become more mainstream with the addition of such well-funded organizations as the “Women’s Forum for the Temple”, “Friends of the Temple”, the “Temple Institute in Jerusalem“, and a number of others.
It might be of interest for you dear readers to know the extent to which these groups are actively engaged in the details of bringing the Temple about. For example, the Temple Institute is busily putting together: the reinstitution of the ancient Sanhedrin, the establishment of a school for the Temple priesthood, the formation of the Levite Guards to sing and guard the Temple, the construction of a mobile altar to be used for animal sacrifices, and the weaving of special garments for the high priest.
In sum, the irony here is that as Palestinian Muslims and Jerusalem Police work together to try to thwart Jewish presence on the Temple Mount, they are in fact hastening the return of Jews to their holiest place.
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