UPDATE 10 am Israel time Sunday:
An attempted rocket assault by Palestinian terrorists in Gaza against the southern Israeli border communities failed last night as their Qassam rocket crashed and exploded in Gaza.
Fraud, deceit, and downright lies. No matter where your humble servant looked yesterday, he was beset by mendacity on a massive scale. A few examples should suffice.
1. The self-proclaimed “human rights activists” on the Finnish flagged Swedish “humanitarian” boat “Estelle”
Last night, your humble servant made his way across Ashdod to the port to watch the Estelle, bedraggled with sagging “Free Gaza” signs, being limply towed into the harbor by Israeli naval vessels. Earlier in the day, the boat had been peacefully intercepted as it attempted–despite weeks of warnings–to breach Israel’s maritime blockade of Gaza.
Full of self-righteous, left wing European “legislators” and other international criminals, the Estelle had sent out the “urgent” message yesterday: “We have come under attack.” Later in the day, one of those on the boat proclaimed: “I want to say that we are here to give a message of solidarity to the people of Gaza. The siege is inhuman and immoral, and this is the reason – as non-violent peaceful activists – we decided to risk ourselves and break the siege.”
The siege? As senior Hamas spokesman in Gaza Mahmoud Zahar said two weeks ago, there is no siege of Gaza–international visitors are coming through the Rafah Crossing with Egypt into Gaza anytime they want to.
Under attack? Risk ourselves? The Israeli sailors who boarded the Estelle actually handed out food and water to those “under attack” who were “risking themselves.” And what about all those “humanitarian supplies” that the “activists” said were on Estelle? There were none.
Fraud, deceit, and downright lies.
2. The leaders of 15 church groups in the United States including the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, the United Methodist Church, the National Council of Churches, the United Church of Christ, the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), the American Friends Service Committee (a Quaker agency) and the Mennonite Central Committee
According to news reports, these so-called religious leaders are concerned that “too much attention is being paid to Syria, the Arab Spring, and the Iranian nuclear threat.” To take care of this “situation”, they unbelievably penned a letter to the U.S. Congress castigating Israel.
The Rev. Gradye Parsons, head of the Presbyterian Church in the United States sanctimoniously intoned: “We asked Congress to treat Israel like it would any other country to make sure our military aid is going to a country espousing the values we would as Americans — that it’s not being used to continually violate the human rights of other people.”
Can you believe this? Too much attention paid to nearly 30,000 massacred in Syria? Too much attention paid to a possible nuclear weapons program designed to wipe Israel off the map?
Continually violate the human rights of other people?
Fraud, deceit, and downright lies.
3. The PLO/Palestinian Authority/Fatah

PLO President Mahmoud Abbas voting in Al-Bireh near Ramallah yesterday. He may have been the only person in his settlement who actually voted.
The Palestinians finally–after six years–held their so-called municipal elections in 92 settlements (and a few cities) throughout Judea and Samaria yesterday. In what can only be described as a complete fiasco for the PLO/PA/Fatah, 261 Palestinian settlements had no elections at all. In a few cases, tribal clans got together and decided who would run what; in some cases, small groups of residents voted by “acclamation”; but in most cases, settlements responded to the Hamas boycott of the elections and held no vote.
As of this morning, the PLO/PA is claiming that 54% of 500,000 eligible Palestinians voted–though both numbers are highly questionable. Local reporting suggests the percentage of those voting was actually much lower (for example, only about 35% of voters in Shechem/Nablus voted). And, of course, no one really believes that there are half a million eligible voters to begin with.
In essence, most of the elections that did take place were between PLO/PA members and former PLO/PA members because, again, Hamas fielded no candidates. What Mahmoud Abbas and his cronies are billing as “a victory for democracy” this morning is in reality a victory for Hamas.
Fraud, deceit, and downright lies.
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