ISRAELSTREET endorses NAFTALI BENNETT for Prime Minister
Head of “HaBayit HaYehudi” (The Jewish Home) political party
UPDATE 6 pm Israel time Wednesday:
The IDF reported today that there were more than 1000 incidents of Palestinian terrorist “rock” throwing in November (more than 30 per day), and 156 incidents of Molotov cocktails (more than 5 per day) being hurled at Israeli motorists and soldiers. Virtually all of these incidents of both types took place in Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria.
In the last few hours there have been “rocks” thrown at Yitzhar and a fragmentation grenade exploded in Tube Zangaria. An attempted assault was averted near Beit El when a Palestinian terrorist was captured in bushes near the community with a knife in his hand.

Muhammad Maraji--the terrorist who detonated the bomb on the Tel Aviv bus last month. A former "Palestinian refugee" who became an Israeli citizen, Muraji was indicted yesterday on 26 counts of attempted murder.
In all of the international and Palestinian rant about Palestinian “refugees” having a “right” to return to Israel, very few people know that some 400,000 so-called “Palestinian refugees” from all over the world have already “returned” to live in Israel.
How you may ask is this possible? Through Israel’s Family Reunification Law–a Law that was implemented years ago, largely under pressure from international so-called “human rights” NGOs and Western governments.
Basically, the Law permits Palestinian spouses and children (from anywhere . . . Ramallah to London) to reunite with their Israeli-Arab husbands or wives . . . in Israel. For example, many of the Israeli-Arab men who reunified in the past had actually married multiple Palestinian wives and fathered numerous children. Under the Law, all of their wives and children (classified as “refugees” by UNRWA) became Israeli citizens.
For years, thousands of such Palestinians streamed into the country–especially in the aftermath of the Oslo Accords when 137,000 Palestinians showed up on Israel’s doorstep, were welcomed with open arms by Yitzhak Rabin and Shimon Peres, and were granted Israeli citizenship.
However, it soon became clear that something was horribly wrong. The newly naturalized Israeli citizens were committing acts of terrorism on a grand scale. So much so that by 2003 the Law was amended by Emergency Order to temporarily ban such reunification from taking place.
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In January of 2007, when the Emergency Order came up for review, a Shin Bet representative testified before the Knesset Interior Committee that 38 of the 272 suicide bombers that had struck in Israel during the previous 10 years had been newly naturalized Israeli citizens under the Family Reunification Law. On the basis of this security threat, Shin Bet recommended extending the Order for two years.
The decision about what to do was in the hands of the then-Justice Minister Tzipi Livni. Completely ignoring the Shin Bet testimony, she decreed that the Order would only be extended by two months “in order to send a message to the Palestinians that Israel wanted to renew peace talks.”
Subsequently, when Livni lost her position as Justice Minister, her decree was reversed, and the Order was extended.
All of which brings us to the case of the “Israeli” terrorist who detonated the bomb on Tel Aviv bus No. 142 on November 21st–the last day of the hostilities between Israel and Palestinian Hamas in Gaza.
It turns out that 18-year-old Muhammad Maraji was one of those 137,000 Palestinians who came to Israel as part of the Family Reunification Law in the aftermath of Oslo–arriving in the country as a three year old in 1995. He grew up in the Galilee city of Tayibe as an Israeli citizen and attended Israeli schools.
Upon graduation from high school, he enrolled in Bir Zeit University in Ramallah and while grocery shopping back in October (before the fighting with Hamas even broke out) announced to the Ramallah store owner that he wanted to fight with Hamas. It was from the store owner that Maraji obtained the bomb that he subsequently put onto the Tel Aviv bus and remotely detonated after getting off.
After blowing the bus up, Maraji calmly climbed onto another bus and proceeded to his job in the Israeli town of Modi’in–working at the local McDonalds.
Yesterday, showing no remorse whatsoever, Maraji was indicted for multiple attempted murders (26 Israelis were on the bus at the time and injured–some critically) and abetting an enemy during wartime. Hopefully he will be convicted and sentenced to the maximum: life in prison.
But the entire story of Maraji is a story of political correctness run amok.
Israel should never act at the behest of the international community because to do so always puts Israeli citizens at risk.