ISRAELSTREET endorses NAFTALI BENNETT for Prime Minister
Head of “HaBayit HaYehudi” (The Jewish Home) political party
UPDATES 5 pm Israel time Sunday:
*Numerous “rock” and Molotov cocktail incidents overnight: at Nabi Saleh, Gilad Farm, on Route 443, near Efrat, and in Jerusalem. In many cases, Israeli motorists have been attacked; in others, Jewish homes and communities have been assaulted.
An Israeli car that was struck by a "rock" thrown by a Palestinian terrorist yesterday. Miraculously, the driver maintained control of the vehicle and no one was wounded; note all of the children still sitting in the car.
*It was reported on Thursday night that Mahmoud Abbas (aka Abu Mazen) had personally transformed the PLO into the new “State of Palestine.” Abbas ordered that all official stationery be changed and new “stamps” to be used. The Palestinian Authority is no more–and with it goes the Oslo Accords that Rabin and Peres disastrously signed.
For over a year now, your humble servant has been dutifully recording the constantly deteriorating situation in Judea and Samaria. It is a deterioration that has accelerated in the wake of the Israel-Hamas conflict in November.
What is happening is a “third intifada.”
On Friday, Etzion Sector Commander and an important member of the IDF General Command, Colonel Yaniv Alaluf, offered these observations to his troops, observations that were not supposed to be publicly disseminated:
“We’re no longer on the verge of a third intifada–it’s already here. We anticipate many more clashes from now on. We may not be facing thousands of demonstrators storming border fences with AK-47s, but that doesn’t diminish the seriousness of the situation.
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The process led by Abu Mazen is over, replaced by the attitude promoted by Hamas. Abu Mazen is trying to survive the Arab Spring and he understands the path of negotiations with Israel is over. The question is: what will follow? We may see regional anarchy along with a military campaign of our own.”
Aluluf went on to say that should conflicts break out on all fronts Israel may face a shortage of reservists. However, Aluluf reassured that Israel is far more prepared to face terror than it was at the outset of the first and second intifadas:
“The third intifada won’t be like the second one, which surprised us. We’re ahead of the game now and terror won’t be able to slither up to central Israel because we’re better prepared.”
Won’t be able to slither up to central Israel?
What about northern and southern Israel? Alaluf’s statement is just one more affirmation of the outrageous IDF General Command strategy: as long as terror can be restricted to northern and southern Israel and Tel Aviv is unaffected, then everything is fine.
This is a strategy that is simply incomprehensible to us in southern Israel.