UPDATE 7 pm Israel time Tuesday:
There has been continued rioting by Palestinians across Judea and Samaria. Today’s reason to throw Molotov cocktails and rocks is the death of Palestinian Hamas terrorist Maisara Abu Hamdiyeh in Beersheba’s Soroka Medical Center this morning. The 64 year old Hamdiyeh was serving a life sentence for the attempted bombing of Jerusalem’s Kafit Cafe in 2002.
Hamdiyeh had been diagnosed with terminal cancer two months ago.
It didn’t take long for PLO head Mahmoud Abbas to fan the flames of incitement with this statement this afternoon: “The Israeli government in its intransigence and arrogance refused to respond to Palestinian efforts to save the life of the prisoner.” Refused to respond? All the Israeli government did was to transfer Hamdiyeh to a medical center renowned for its cancer treatment–a fate far better than he deserved.

The exploded Qassam rocket found on the floor of the Margalit preschool in Sderot this morning. According to the IDF back on March 21st, this Qassam actually hit in Palestinian Gaza.
You may remember, dear reader, that your humble servant reported back on March 21st, that “in honor of President Obama’s visit to Israel”, a barrage of five Hamas missiles had been fired at southern Israel in an attempt to kill Israeli children, women, and men.
What I did not report was that almost immediately thereafter, the IDF “revised” its report of the “incident”, claiming that only “two or three” missiles actually struck Israel, and that the other “two or three rockets” misfired and landed in Gaza.
I did not report this revision because I did not believe it. And why did I not believe it? Simply because we in southern Israel now find ourselves back in the same old situation in which the IDF is under-reporting Hamas fire out of Gaza and even providing Hamas with excuses when such fire is actually reported.
Why does the IDF under-report and rationalize? To not upset the status quo “agreement” with Hamas–and to not let the rest of Israel know what the real situation is on the border with Gaza. Meanwhile, the citizens of southern Israel have returned to their usual condition of being missile fodder.
But back to the missile attacks of March 21st. It turns out this morning that one of those “two or three” missiles that the IDF would have had us believe did not hit Israel, did in fact score a direct hit in the roof the Margalit preschool in Sderot–a preschool that on a normal day (the school was empty on March 21st because of the Passover holiday) would have been full of Israeli three year old children.
When the school opened this morning, staffers walked inside and found the exploded Qassam on the floor. Can you even begin to imagine what the carnage would have been if the room had been full of children?
Such is life in southern Israel. All is back to “normal”.
PS. Two mortars struck southern Israel this afternoon. But the IDF has told us not to worry–Hamas really didn’t mean anything by shooting except to show solidarity with the “martyr” Hamdiyeh.
A daily feature of this blog is the recognition of those of you who support Israel by donating to this website. Each month, your humble servant (or his son) places each name on this wall of support into the Western Wall in Jerusalem.
Today we welcome 5 new Israel supporters: David in Moscow, Danielle in Bruges, Harry in Perth, Indian Zionist in Cochin, and Yuval in Herzliya.
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