UPDATES 7 pm Israel time Tuesday:
*All of southern Israel is under heightened missile alert tonight following the IAF assassination of Haitham Mishal, one of the Palestinian terrorists considered most responsible for the rocket attack on Eilat earlier this month. Mishal was struck by a missile as he rode his motorcycle in Gaza.
His body was then carried through the streets of Gaza by members of his “Global Jihad” group of terrorists–a group that operates under the aegis of Hamas.
Then the Palestinian terrorist was taken to a mosque where an Imam (foreground) celebrated “the heroic martyr’s life” and urged death to Israelis.
*The international media is hard at work today publishing stories about the great accomplishment of U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry in getting the Arab countries to agree to an amendment to the so-called API, Arab Peace Initiative.

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry with Qatar’s Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Hamad bin Jassim bin Jabr Al-Thani, second from left in Washington yesterday.
The media would have us believe that since a few Arab countries in the Arab League have agreed to “mutually agreed upon and minor land swaps” in regard to the 1949 Armistice lines (also called the pre-1967 lines), peace is now at hand, and Israel must jump at the opportunity.
What a joke. What about the 5,000,000 self-proclaimed Palestinian “refugees” that the Arabs demand be settled in Israel? What about the city of Jerusalem that the Arabs demand be handed over to the Palestinians? What about the Golan Heights that the Arabs demand be handed over to the Syrians? What about . . . what about . . . what about?
Eviatar Borovsky, a 31 year old father of five children, was savagely stabbed to death this morning as he peacefully stood at a bus stop at the Tapuach Junction in Samaria. His murderer is Salam Za’al, a member of Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah party and a resident of Shucha, a Palestinian settlement near Tulkarem.
The terrorist then took Borovsky’s gun and opened fire on nearby Border Guards. They returned fire and moderately injured Za’al who was then rushed, pathetically and ironically, for medical treatment to the Rabin Medical Center in Petah Tikva.
All of this information is neither the beginning nor the end of the story.
It begins a little more than a year ago in April of 2012 when Israel’s so-called “Defense” Minister, Ehud Barak, decided in a fit of political correctness to make a “gesture of peace” to the Mahmoud Abbas and the Palestinians by removing the Palestinian checkpoint at the Tapuach Junction.
Within one month (May of 2012) of that removal there were four attempted Palestinian attacks by terrorists entering Israel through that the same junction with bombs, IEDs, Molotov cocktails, and knives. This record of terror attempts has continued unabated since then.
If that checkpoint were still in place, Eviatar Borovsky would still be alive.
And what about the terrorist? Za’al was released from Israeli prison six months ago after serving three years for terror attacks on Israeli motorists including throwing “rocks” and Molotov cocktails. But Palestinian news reports indicate that this prison service was not the motivation for his butchery this morning.
It turns out that the Mahmoud Abbas and the PLO had just arrested Za’al’s brother recently and sentenced him to Palestinian prison yesterday for “collaborating with Israel”. Za’al apparently decided to stab “a Jew” to death to try salvage his family’s honor. It is no surprise that the official PLO website this morning has devoted its entire home page to extolling the “heroic” Za’al. And Fatah’s military wing, the Al-Aqsa Brigades, has claimed responsibility for the attack.
At this very moment, Jewish community members are holding a demonstration at the Tapuach Junction to remember Eviatar Borovsky, and to demand that the government reinstitute the security checkpoint at Tapuach.
According to his friends at Borovsky’s funeral this afternoon in his community of Yitzhar, Eviatar was “a talented man who would always laugh at everything. He was a special man, very spiritual, alternative, abstract; a very gentle person.” In fact, Borovsky was an actor and was on his way to a rehearsal for a new play as he waited to be picked up at the bus stop this morning.
Eviatar Borovsky, sacrificed on the altar of political correctness, sacrificed so that Palestinians can have “freedom of movement”, sacrificed so that the international community can see Israel making gestures of peace to the PLO, may you rest in peace.
A daily feature of this blog is the recognition of those of you who support Israel by donating to this website. Each month, your humble servant (or his son) places each name on this wall of support into the Western Wall in Jerusalem.
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