UPDATES 6 pm Israel time Saturday:
*The situation in Judea and Samaria continues to change. Where once there were “rock” assaults, then “rock and Molotov cocktail” assaults, then “rock and Molotov cocktail and IED assaults”, the past week has seen the addition of “shooting incidents”. This afternoon, another Israeli vehicle was fired upon in the vicinity of Qalqilya. Fortunately, the driver and his passengers were not wounded.
*There was much talk yesterday about the fact that Google has “granted statehood” to “Palestine” by eliminating the phrase “Palestinian territories” from its lexicon. The basic fact of course is that virtually no one types in “Palestinian territories” in Google searches. With “instant google”, even when one tries to type in “Palestinian territories”, he or she is immediately whisked to “Palestine” entries after hitting the P-A-L-E-S keys. Your humble servant’s attitude is “Who cares?”
*Similarly, your humble servant does not care very much that the Danish and Finish governments decided to upgrade their missions to “Palestine” yesterday.

Danish Prime Minister, Lars Lakke Rasmussen (left) shakes hands with his longtime friend, PLO head Mahmoud Abbas. Denmark has long done everything it can to delegitimize Israel through the funding of viciously anti-Israel NGOs.
The Danes, Finns, Swedes, and Norwegians have long funded every conceivable NGO that seeks to undermine Israel–even ones that overtly engage in terrorist acts against the Israeli government.
*What was perhaps more worrisome yesterday was the announcement that the Japanese government will now help Turkey and the UAE construct nuclear facilities in their respective countries. One facility will be on the Black Sea and the other on the Persian/Arabian Gulf. This is just the tip of the nuclear iceberg to come–soon there will be nuclear generating plants all over the Middle East. Of course, after the Fukushima disaster less than one year ago, one wonders why any country would be anxious to receive Japanese nuclear assistance.
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The major topic of discussion in the Israeli and world media today is the Israeli strike against another convoy of advanced missiles that was en route to Hezbollah in Lebanon. Apparently, Israeli jets flew in over Lebanon and fired missiles from Lebanese airspace at the convoy while it was still in Syria.
The missile strike was preceded by an emergency meeting of Netanyahu’s security cabinet, and was confirmed in the last few hours by “an unnamed Israeli official.” As we all know, Israel has repeatedly warned that it will not allow advanced or chemical Syrian weapons to fall into the hands of Hezbollah–particularly ones that would be “game changers.”
Your humble servant has reported that these threats notwithstanding, Hezbollah has been raiding Syrian weapons caches for at least the last year–and it is reasonable to assume that these types of weapons are already in the hands of the Lebanese terrorists.
Israel may destroy the occasional convoy, but it is a little bit like trying to close the barn door after the horse has already escaped.