Killings, Torture, Mistreatment: “West Bank” Human Rights Abuses Accelerate

UPDATES  6 pm Israel time Wednesday:

Israel’s leftist Attorney General, Yehuda Weinstein, made public this morning a letter that he had written to Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon.

At a time when lawlessness is rampant in Judea and Samaria with Jewish community members being assaulted on an almost hourly basis, one would think that Weinstein would have called on Ya’alon to crack down on the bands of terrorists roaming the region.

But instead, Weinstein accused Ya’alon of not criminally punishing Jewish community members who Weinstein claims are engaged in “illegal construction”:

“There is hardly any criminal enforcement of planning and construction violations in Judea and Samaria, this largely due to the absence of an investigative body charged with handling the issue . . . In my letter to the previous defense minister, I expressed my view that the unit charged with overseeing construction at the Civil Administration, which operates on the administrative level, should take on investigative duties on the criminal level.

Excuse me?  Your humble servant thought it was the first priority of the Israeli Defense Minister and the Israeli Attorney General to protect Israeli lives. Apparently, Yehuda Weinstein does not see it that way.


An independent commission reported yesterday that human rights abuses committed against Palestinians in the “West Bank” have accelerated by more than 10% during the last year. 

The commission has noted that most of these abuses against Palestinians include “torture, mistreatment, preventing and dispersing public assemblies, preventing reporters from reporting or arresting them.”

Even more significantly, the Commission reported that seven Palestinians were killed while in detention in what is described as extra-judicial murders, and that two more Palestinians died while languishing in “West Bank” jails.

Can you imagine such atrocities are being committed against Palestinians? Certainly those committing such abuses (and murders) must be brought to justice immediately.

The only problem is that those who committed the crimes are Palestinians.

Oh . . . there are a few facts that your humble servant forgot to mention.

First, the commission making the report was the “Palestinian Commission for Human Rights” directed by Ahmed Harb and based in Ramallah.

Second, the crimes described above were committed by the “security services” of the Palestinian Authority and Hamas. As such, most of the crimes took place in PLO and Hamas jails which are ruthlessly run by members of the PLO and Hamas.

So, dear reader, the next time you hear people talking about bogus Israeli human rights abuses in Judea and Samaria, ask them about the Palestinian use of killings, torture, violent dispersion of public meetings, and intimidation and arrest of reporters. 


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This entry was posted in News and tagged ahmed harb, arresting, attorney general, crack down, hamas, human rights abuses, independent commission, jails, judea and samaria, killings, languishing, mistreatment, moshe yaalon, murder, palestinian commission for human rights, plo, preventing reporters from reporting, public assemblies, ramallah, seven palestinians were killed while in detention, torture, two more died, west bank, yehuda weinstein. Bookmark the permalink.

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