Updates 6 pm Israel time Thursday:
*Your humble servant was aghast at the brutal hacking and beheading to death of a British soldier in London yesterday by two Islamic terrorists–and by British PM David Cameron’s response:
“This was not just an attack on Britain and on the British way of life, it was also a betrayal of Islam and of the Muslim communities who give so much to our country. There is nothing in Islam that justifies this truly dreadful act.”
What makes Western leaders believe that they understand Islam? Why does every Western leader rush to defend Islam whenever Islamic terrorists butcher people? It is a sad commentary on the pusillanimity of the West in the face of the growing threat of Islam–an Islam which no matter what anyone says, fosters and foments savage violence around the world.
*PM Netanyahu’s pathetic catering to U.S. Secretary of State Kerry began anew today with Kerry’s arrival in Israel. Amazingly, Netanyahu said that concerns about Iran and Syria are now on the back burner, and went on to proclaim that “above all what we want to do is restart the peace talks with the Palestinians.”
Isn’t it amazing that the Middle East is going to hell in a hand basket with Iran heading full speed toward nuclear weapons, Syrians being slaughtered by the tens of thousands, Egypt on the verge of descending into chaos, Jordan teetering on the edge of a Muslim Brotherhood takeover, Hezbollah arming itself to the teeth in Lebanon–and all Kerry and Netanyahu want to focus on is the Palestinians.

Muslims prostrate in prayer on the Temple Mount–the holiest place in Judaism. Ludicrously, Jews are not permitted to pray on the Mount.
The fraud being perpetrated on the Israeli Jewish community by the Jerusalem Police was revealed for all to see yesterday with the publication of the form that every orthodox Jew is now being forced to sign before ascending the Temple Mount.
Why is it fraud? Simply because the Jerusalem Police has always claimed that no such form exists–even testifying to that effect before Knesset Committees.
Finally, one of those forced to sign the form managed to take a picture of it yesterday:

The “form” that Jerusalem Police are requiring orthodox Jews to sign before going to the Temple Mount (roughly translated below).
“I ( . . . ) Israeli identification number ( . . . ) certify that I met on May 22 with Avi Biton, Superintendent of the Jerusalem Police. During this meeting, he described all the “behavior rules” that I need to follow [on the Temple Mount], and I promise to follow to adhere to them.
1. I agree to follow all the restrictions that have been placed on the Jewish visitors to the Temple Mount before they go to the Mount.
2. I agree not to do any religious movement inside or outside the Temple Mount. I agree not to participate in any group demonstration . . . If I have any doubt aboutwhat I can do I will consult with Avi Biton and follow his directions.
3. I agree not to bring anything to do sacrifices on the Mount and not to bring Torahs, pictures, signs, or flags. I promise not to wear phylacteries. . .
4. I agree not to act in a provocative way and to blend in….including praying by going on my knees . . .
5. I agree not to publish anything which will encourage anyone not to follow the rules or provoke people to go against the law . . . I promise not to call out for people to go to the Mount when it is closed for Muslim prayer or Muslim holidays.
6. I agree to fulfill my agreement honestly . . . If I need anything I will go to Avi Biton.
7. I know if I will not keep my word, the police will reconsider their decision allowing me to go to the Temple Mount.
Signed: xxxx”
Can you believe this, dear reader? Hundreds of thousands (actually more than one million during the last Ramadan period) of Muslim worshipers are allowed to go to the Temple Mount with absolutely no restrictions whatsoever.
And Jews? They are prohibited from praying, wearing phylacteries, and even carrying Israeli flags onto the Mount. And they must sign a form promising not to do so–on pain of never being allowed on the Mount again.
Absolutely, positively, pathetic.
A daily feature of this blog is the recognition of those of you who support Israel by donating to this website. Each month, your humble servant (or his son) places each name on this wall of support into the Western Wall in Jerusalem.

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To have your own Israeli flag, simply follow two steps:
Step 1: Click on the “Support Israel Street! Donate” button in the right hand column and submit your information.
Step 2: Send an email to israelstreet1948@gmail.com with the following information:
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Fraud On The Temple Mount In Jerusalem
Updates 6 pm Israel time Thursday:
*Your humble servant was aghast at the brutal hacking and beheading to death of a British soldier in London yesterday by two Islamic terrorists–and by British PM David Cameron’s response:
“This was not just an attack on Britain and on the British way of life, it was also a betrayal of Islam and of the Muslim communities who give so much to our country. There is nothing in Islam that justifies this truly dreadful act.”
What makes Western leaders believe that they understand Islam? Why does every Western leader rush to defend Islam whenever Islamic terrorists butcher people? It is a sad commentary on the pusillanimity of the West in the face of the growing threat of Islam–an Islam which no matter what anyone says, fosters and foments savage violence around the world.
*PM Netanyahu’s pathetic catering to U.S. Secretary of State Kerry began anew today with Kerry’s arrival in Israel. Amazingly, Netanyahu said that concerns about Iran and Syria are now on the back burner, and went on to proclaim that “above all what we want to do is restart the peace talks with the Palestinians.”
Isn’t it amazing that the Middle East is going to hell in a hand basket with Iran heading full speed toward nuclear weapons, Syrians being slaughtered by the tens of thousands, Egypt on the verge of descending into chaos, Jordan teetering on the edge of a Muslim Brotherhood takeover, Hezbollah arming itself to the teeth in Lebanon–and all Kerry and Netanyahu want to focus on is the Palestinians.
Muslims prostrate in prayer on the Temple Mount–the holiest place in Judaism. Ludicrously, Jews are not permitted to pray on the Mount.
The fraud being perpetrated on the Israeli Jewish community by the Jerusalem Police was revealed for all to see yesterday with the publication of the form that every orthodox Jew is now being forced to sign before ascending the Temple Mount.
Why is it fraud? Simply because the Jerusalem Police has always claimed that no such form exists–even testifying to that effect before Knesset Committees.
Finally, one of those forced to sign the form managed to take a picture of it yesterday:
The “form” that Jerusalem Police are requiring orthodox Jews to sign before going to the Temple Mount (roughly translated below).
“I ( . . . ) Israeli identification number ( . . . ) certify that I met on May 22 with Avi Biton, Superintendent of the Jerusalem Police. During this meeting, he described all the “behavior rules” that I need to follow [on the Temple Mount], and I promise to follow to adhere to them.
1. I agree to follow all the restrictions that have been placed on the Jewish visitors to the Temple Mount before they go to the Mount.
2. I agree not to do any religious movement inside or outside the Temple Mount. I agree not to participate in any group demonstration . . . If I have any doubt aboutwhat I can do I will consult with Avi Biton and follow his directions.
3. I agree not to bring anything to do sacrifices on the Mount and not to bring Torahs, pictures, signs, or flags. I promise not to wear phylacteries. . .
4. I agree not to act in a provocative way and to blend in….including praying by going on my knees . . .
5. I agree not to publish anything which will encourage anyone not to follow the rules or provoke people to go against the law . . . I promise not to call out for people to go to the Mount when it is closed for Muslim prayer or Muslim holidays.
6. I agree to fulfill my agreement honestly . . . If I need anything I will go to Avi Biton.
7. I know if I will not keep my word, the police will reconsider their decision allowing me to go to the Temple Mount.
Signed: xxxx”
Can you believe this, dear reader? Hundreds of thousands (actually more than one million during the last Ramadan period) of Muslim worshipers are allowed to go to the Temple Mount with absolutely no restrictions whatsoever.
And Jews? They are prohibited from praying, wearing phylacteries, and even carrying Israeli flags onto the Mount. And they must sign a form promising not to do so–on pain of never being allowed on the Mount again.
Absolutely, positively, pathetic.
A daily feature of this blog is the recognition of those of you who support Israel by donating to this website. Each month, your humble servant (or his son) places each name on this wall of support into the Western Wall in Jerusalem.
Testosterone helps keep muscles lean and strong and also increases the libido and frequency and strength of cialis generic cipla erections. I would still caution that one critical component of any long-term relationship. levitra 20mg tablets Children with Hyperactivity usually cialis generika 10mg tend to indicate hyperactivity, in older adults that tends to be less severe. These impacts may be more regrettable in the event that some recorded side effects occur during the duration of therapy, discontinue the use of viagra sans prescription and promptly seek your physician’s advice.

To have your own Israeli flag, simply follow two steps:
Step 1: Click on the “Support Israel Street! Donate” button in the right hand column and submit your information.
Step 2: Send an email to israelstreet1948@gmail.com with the following information:
Your name (or location):
The donation that you made (for purposes of identifying you):
What you want on your flag: