UPDATES 7:00 pm Israel time Friday:
Hundreds of posters proclaiming “Nitzan Alon No Security” have popped up all along Route 60 in Judea and Samaria in the last 24 hours. General Alon is the commander of the IDF Central Command, and has been in charge of security of the central area of Judea and Samaria as the situation there has continued to deteriorate. This deterioration is especially noticeable along the roads of the area.
The infamous IDF spokesman Yoav Mordechai was quick to blame “the right” for the posters this morning adding that Alon “sensitively preserves the security of our citizens in the best way possible.”
The security of our citizens? There is no security. There were multiple Molotov cocktail attacks against Jewish community members just last night–with one motorist alone having his car hit by five Molotovs. For his part, Alon has always been more focused on eliminating Jewish communities than he ever was on protecting Israeli citizens.
With John Kerry on the ground in Israel calling for “tough decisions” to be made by Israelis and Palestinians, former PM Ehud Olmert has given yet another self-serving interview to Walla News detailing the outrageous offer he made to Mahmoud Abbas and the PLO (aka Palestinian Authority) on September 16, 2008.
It is worthwhile to take a look at it again today. And it is worthwhile to remember that Mahmoud Abbas never responded to the offer–and even now refuses to accept it. What Abbas now says is that the offer would be “a starting point” for negotiations.
What exactly did the delusional Olmert offer?
1. He incredibly gave up sole Israeli sovereignty over the Temple Mount in Jerusalem proposing that the religious sites in Jerusalem would be managed by a special committee consisting of representatives from five nations: Saudia Arabia, Jordan, “Palestine”, the United States, and Israel.
2. He offered to return 5000 so-called Palestinian “refugees” to Israel and at the same time to ethnically cleanse over 100,000 Jews from Judea and Samaria in order to create a “Jew-free” Palestine.
3. He proposed transferring 5.8% of the land of Israel to the new “Palestine” and creating a “safe passage” route from Hebron to Gaza in return for Israel annexing 6.3% of Judea and Samaria to Israel. See map below:

The Olmert Map: the Palestinians would have received territory equal to 99.5% of what they claim they want for a Palestinian state.
Interestingly, because Olmert demanded that Abbas initial the copy of the map he had made for the Palestinians before giving it to them (so that they could not say later that they had not received it)–and Abbas refused to initial it–Abbas went back to Ramallah with his negotiating team and drew up the following replication of the map on a napkin:
On the above napkin map, each one of the bulges with the dots in the middle correspond to the red areas in the first map above–these were areas that the Palestinians were to receive land in Israel in exchange for the areas to be annexed.
So why did Abbas and the PLO refuse to respond? Abbas now says that the map was unacceptable then and remains unacceptable now because of Jerusalem and the “refugees.” The Palestinian desire to eliminate Israel by flooding it with some 5,000,000 self-proclaimed refugees is alive and well in Ramallah.
And yet this is the person and the organization that King Bibi has agreed to sit down with and plead with for peace–a person and organization committed to Israel’s destruction as a Jewish state.
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