UPDATES 8 am Israel time, Sunday, October 13 2013:
**An attempted Palestinian terrorist attack was foiled at the entrance to Shechem (Nablus) last evening when alert members of the Shaked Battalion noticed two men walking “strangely”. After detaining them, the soldiers found that they were carrying a knife and three IEDs. The terrorists were arrested and sappers were called in to disarm the explosives.
**The IDF general command issued an absurd statement yesterday saying that it “did not see anything in common between the murders of Tomer Hazan in Beit Amin, Gal Kobi in Hebron, and Sariya Ofer in Brosh Hakiba.” The IDF laughably continued that the murders were “an alarming sequence of events” but “not part of a trend.”
Who is kidding whom?
The commonality between all three events is that the two soldiers and the reserve soldier were all killed by Palestinian terrorists. And any elementary school child can see that the murders are part of trend of increasing violence in Judea and Samaria.
The sands of the Middle East continue shifting as American influence in the region fades.
As the Obama Administration cuts off aid to the Egyptians and seeks rapprochement with Iran, all eyes are turning to Russia.
To begin with, the Egyptian military is infuriated with Washington. It was bad enough that President Obama threw fellow military man Hosni Mubarak under the bus, but now that the Egyptian Army is engaged in a full-scale war with the Muslim Brotherhood, no one can understand Washington’s continued support of the Islamists.
And how is it possible, the Army asks, that the Obama Administration is now cutting the legs out from under the military by suspending and denying loans and by freezing military supplies–at precisely the moment that the Egyptians are taking the fight to Al-Qaeda and the Islamists in the Sinai? Not only does Egypt view this as a betrayal of agreements with the Americans that date back to the Camp David Accords, but also the Egyptians view this as a major insult to themselves as the Arab world’s largest nation.
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So it should come as no surprise today to hear Egyptian spokesmen yesterday saying that the President Obama can “go to hell”, and that Egypt can always find other sources of assistance–namely from Russia.
Meanwhile, the Gulf nations are reeling from the Obama Administration’s sudden rapprochement with Tehran. Saudi Arabia in particular, ever mindful of what Obama did to Hosni Mubarak, is determined that it too will not be hung out to dry.

The Saudis may be fighting the Russians in Syria, but the Iranian nuclear weapons program makes strange bedfellows.
Convinced that Obama’s bumbling is resulting in a nuclear Iran, the Saudis are now quietly putting out feelers to Moscow in order to be positioned under the Russians’ “protective umbrella”. And how Saudi Arabia turns, so do Bahrain, Qatar, and the U.A.E.
The fact is that everyone in this neighborhood, except for Israel, sees the handwriting on the wall. Russia is the new superpower here and all roads lead to Moscow.