SPECIAL UPDATE AT 1:00 pm Israel time Friday: Saudi Arabia has just declined the seat it won yesterday on the U.N. Security Council. More on this tomorrow.
UPDATES 8 am Israel time, Friday, October 18 2013:
**Widespread Palestinian violence continued throughout Judea and Samaria overnight with terrorists throwing “rocks” on the Trans-Samaria Highway, near Beit Ummar, on the Hebron Road, and in Wadi Harimiya. Molotov cocktails were thrown at an IDF patrol in Gush Etzion, at an IDF post near Negohot, and in Beit Hanina. No physical wounds were suffered in these attacks but emotional trauma was experienced by many.
**More information has emerged about the Palestinian terrorist who rammed a “family tractor” through the gate of the perimeter security fence of IDF Camp Ramah near Qalandiya last night. In that attack, the terrorist attempted to run down Israeli soldiers and to run over a jeep. Two soldiers were wounded, before other soldiers shot and killed him.
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It turns out that the terrorist was 30 year old Younis Radeideh from the Palestinian settlement of Al-Ram, north of Jerusalem.
Back in 2009, his brother carried out another “tractor attack” in Jerusalem in which he attempted to run over a police car. The two policemen in the car, along with a nearby taxi driver, opened fire and killed him.
After the three murders of IDF soldiers (active and reserve) in the last month, this latest attack seems to have awakened the IDF from its slumber with the IDF spokesman noting this morning that yesterday’s tractor attack is part of an increasing cycle of violence in Judea and Samaria and that the IDF now expects “a broad range of attacks.”
**While the Israeli residents of Judea and Samaria are getting “rocked” and “Molotov cocktailed” all day and all night, and while Palestinian terrorist attacks are now taking place against IDF soldiers on daily basis, what is the IDF doing? Ridiculously wasting its time destroying small Jewish communities.
Yesterday’s target was the fledgling community near Binyamina. Here’s part of what was left after the IDF finished “its job”:

Doesn’t the IDF have something better to do–like protecting Israeli citizens from terrorist attacks? (Picture source: Observation Agency).
Five new Security Council members were chosen at the United Nations yesterday. In reality, the vote was more of a “replacement” exercise–two African countries Nigeria and Chad were chosen to replace Togo and Morocco; South American Chile replaced Central American Guatemala; European Lithuania replaced peripheral European Azerbaijan; and Near Eastern Saudi Arabia has taken the place of Pakistan.
Of course, within the context of the United Nations, there is nothing surprising about the fact two of the most egregious violators of civil rights in the world, Chad and Saudi Arabia, are now sitting on the Council. Their presence merely ensures that more anti-Israel resolutions will soon be coming down the pike.
Speaking of Saudi Arabia, it has always amazed your humble servant how its export of terrorist Wahhabism around the globe flies under the radar. Not only does Saudi Arabia funnel hundreds of billions of dollars into Islamist mosques and madrassas throughout North and South America, Europe, Africa, and Asia, but also the country has set up jihadist “training camps” in the same locations. In many cases, such as in France with the French Army and Jordan with the U.S. Army, these jihadists are not merely being trained by Wahhabists.

A map of Saudi Wahhabist training camps in Europe, north Africa, and the Middle East. Ironically, you won’t find any Wahhabi camps in Saudi Arabia.
Over the last few years, these camps have ostensibly been training “rebels” to fight against Assad in Syria.
If all of this sounds eerily reminiscent of events in the past, it should. It was just over 30 years ago that Wahhabists working in conjunction with the West were training and arming the likes of Osama Bin Laden (himself a Wahhabist) to go and fight against the Russians in Afghanistan.
Once the Russians had been defeated, the genie was out of the bottle–and the Taliban and Bin Laden’s al-Qaeda swooped in to fill the void.
Where will all of these jihadists turn after Syria? Your humble servant leaves it to your imagination, dear reader, to answer that question.