UPDATES 10:00 am Israel time, Wednesday, November 6 2013:
**A court in Jerusalem has just acquitted Avigdor Lieberman of all charges. He is free to return to his position of Foreign Minister of Israel immediately. So comes to an end a sorry story in Israeli politics in which Lieberman was hounded by allegations of fraud and moral turpitude for 15 years.
**Europe’s descent into its Nazi past continues with yellow Jewish Stars of David now being being replaced by yellow circles.
Here is a picture of a “boycott Israel” circle now appearing on Israeli products in Ireland:
**More signs that Israeli concessions are not going well: the Palestinians stormed out of a meeting yesterday ranting that negotiations cannot continue as long as Israel is constructing new “settlements.” Of course, most of this was “for show” as the Palestinians’ good friend John Kerry arrived in the country.
At the same time, the news is that Israeli concessions are not going well on the Israeli concession team. Israel’s chief “conceder” Tzipi Livni, and PM Netanyahu’s confidante Tommy Molcho are apparently miles apart on the “issue” of Jerusalem–with Livni ready to surrender vast swaths of the city to the Palestinians.
**Hot news flash! Obama White House spokesmen are telling international news reporters that they believe that Bashar Assad may have hidden some of his chemical weapons!
Can you even believe this? Of course they have hidden them. They were hiding them before Obama backed out his plan to attack, and they are still hiding them. The Obama White House has become the worldwide laughingstock of dysfunction.

Kerry steps off the plane yesterday in Tel Aviv. In a region where everything symbolizes something, your humble servant leaves it to you to deduce the meaning of the “green” tie (picture source: Times of Israel).
It was a sickening scene last night.
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John Kerry landed in Israel and rushed straight to the Yitzhak Rabin memorial in Rabin Square in Tel Aviv to lay a wreathe at a ceremony marking the 18th anniversary of Rabin’s assassination.
Rabin’s memorial has become the pilgrimage site for all of those Westerners who would have Israel divide Jerusalem, make Judea and Samaria Jewish-free, give up Israeli security along the Jordan River, and give the Golan Heights to Syria–all of which were positions, ironically, that Rabin opposed.
Here in Israel, however, we all know what “visionaries of peace” Rabin and Shimon Peres signed onto when they embraced the murderous terrorists of the PLO in the Oslo Accords in 1994. Seven months after the Accords were signed, the suicide bombings began on April 6, 1994. And they didn’t stop until 167 bombings later on April 19, 2008.
These 12 years, the bloodiest in the history of Israel, saw more than 1000 Israeli children, women, and men blown to pieces and thousands of others wounded. In short, the Oslo Accords were an unmitigated catastrophe for the Israeli people, and it was during these bloody years that the Almagor Terror Victims Association was born.
So Kerry came last night, stood at the Rabin Memorial, and disingenuously declared that the “U.S. will stand by Israel every step of the way”. But the caveats quickly followed.
Yes the U.S. will stand by Israel every step of the way, but only as long as those steps follow the U.S. roadmap to achieve a peace that Kerry described as “just, appropriate, and fair.”
“Just, appropriate, and fair”–these are all Western code words for giving the Palestinians everything they want, and removing any semblance of security for Israelis living in this country. There is no “just, appropriate, and fair” for the people of Israel.
That fact was made plainly evident by the two recent releases of Palestinian terrorist murderers–the last batch of whom had savagely murdered 27 Israelis. John Kerry could care less if these murderers are now back on the street to kill more Israelis.
Kerry made that clear in the last few days when he refused to meet with the representatives of Almagor. And that is why Almagor protesters loudly demonstrated outside the building at the Memorial in which Kerry spoke last night.
One of those protesters, Lizi Hameiri, summed up the feelings of the crowd:
“Kerry refused to meet with representatives of the bereaved families, while he pushes for the release of those who murdered their loved ones. Kerry ignored us, even as he left. So we just booed him. The people who were inside told us that he had heard us well, but chose to ignore us.”
Heard them he did; it was later reported that Kerry asked the organizers of the wreath-laying photo-op and his follow-up speech “What is all the yelling about?” When told it was people protesting against the release of the terrorists, Kerry said nothing and continued speaking.
“What is all the yelling about?”
Kerry and his minions are absolutely, positively, sickening.