Updates 8 pm Israel time, Tuesday, January 4 2013:
Captain Tal Nachman, 1995-2014, may his memory be blessed.
A tragedy on the Gaza Border this morning as IDF Captain Tal Nachman was killed by friendly fire. During the security mission which Nachman commanded, his intelligence reconnaisance team was scouting for terrorists along with a Givati Squad that was providing cover.
At some point in the mission, Nachman returned to his Armored Personnel Carrier at which time a Givati soldier saw him and thought he was a suspicious person. Despite the fact that Nachman was wearing an armored vest, he was killed by a shot in the back.
The sad irony was that it was Nachman’s final day on assignment in Gaza.
At his funeral this afternoon in Nes Ziona, Captain Nachman was eulogized by his brother Omer: “You said you would protect us and you died defending our nation.”
His best friend Mor added this: “You were the glue that kept our friends together. You always proved you were number one. We wanted to say that we’ll always think about you. You left a crater in all of our hearts. Your smile will live on with us forever.”

The Den Dankse Bank in Copenhagen. A new center of the anti-semitic attempt to boycott Israel (picture: shutterstock.com).
*Israelstreet gratefully acknowledges David P. Goldman and his blog SPENGLER for elements of today’s blog.
The utter hypocrisy of those in the European Union was on display for all to see yesterday. You will recall, dear reader, that on the heels of John Kerry’s attempt to intimidate Israel in Munich last Saturday, the Den Danske Bank of Copenhagen announced that it was increasing its boycott of Israeli institutions.
The target this time was Israel’s Bank Hapoalim which Den Danske accused of humanitarian violations because it operates branches in Judea and Samaria that supply financial services to Israelis. From its self-righteous soapbox, Den Danske proclaimed that it had made its decision on “legal and ethical” grounds.
What a joke.
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It turns out that Den Danske is about as far from being humanitarian, moral, and ethical as a bank can be. But more than that Den Danske has actively been engaged in banking that worked intimately with North Korea in its sales of ballistic missiles to Iran.
Yes, that’s right. The same bank that is pushing a boycott on Israel has actively participated in providing Iran with ballistic missiles that it could use to strike Israeli men, women, and children.
And how do we know this? WikiLeaks.
In cable dated May 12, 2009, the U.S. State Department wrote this about Tanchon, a North Korean trading company:
“Tanchon has been involved in financing ballistic missile sales from KOMID to Iran’s Shahid Hemmat Industrial Group (SHIG). SHIG is the Iranian organization charged with developing Iran’s liquid-fueled ballistic missile program and is designated under UNSCR 1731 for an asset freeze.
We previously raised with you in March 2006 our concern (REFL) that Tanchon Commercial Bank maintained a correspondent account with Den Danske Bank AS-Copenhagen. According to the the April 2009 Bankers Almanac Information, Tanchon maintains that account.”
In the future, whenever you read that the Boycott Israel is about “humanitarian” concerns, remember this blog today. What the boycotters are really pursuing is nothing less than the destruction of the Jewish state of Israel. Theirs is a monstrous anti-Semitism that hides itself in the cloak of supposed humanitarianism.
Nowhere is this anti-Semitism as rampant as in Europe–where it has been rampant for centuries.