UPDATES 7 pm Israel time, Sunday, February 9 2014:
*After a week of incessant missile attacks from Gaza, the Israel Air Force finally acted today and struck a terrorist associated with the People’s Resistance Committees and Global Jihad as he was on his motorcycle on the way to another missile launch. Initial reports from Gaza described him as critically injured; later reports have described him as “dead”.
*Your humble servant always finds its amazing that one word written in Hebrew on the door of a mosque or on a Muslim monument can bring down the wrath of the world on Israel while the continual defacing of Jewish religious sites by Arabs never elicits a single syllable of international condemnation.
Here is a picture taken near Awarta earlier this week at the tomb of Eleazer, the son of Aaron:
*In a pattern that has often repeated itself over the last few years, an orthodox Jew has been stabbed by an Arab terrorist in front of the Damascus Gate of the Old City in Jerusalem. Taken to a nearby hospital, the victim is described in “moderate” condition; meanwhile, the terrorist has escaped.

Tzipi Livni and Yair Lapid: working together yesterday to undermine the Jewish state of Israel (picture: Times of Israel).
The big news of today was the veiled suggestion of Tzipi Livni that the Palestinians might be on the verge of accepting the proposition that “Israel is a Jewish state.” Speaking during a debate in the Ministerial Committee on Legislative Affairs, the always preening Livni told her fellow Knesset members that they might be “in for a surprise” on the subject.
The absurdity of her comment was underlined by the context in which she made it.
The debate in the Ministerial Committee was over an amendment proposed by MK Ohayon of Likud Beiteinu. Believe it or not, that amendment was to add an article to the State Education Law which would read that Israeli schoolchildren should be educated that “Israel is the national state of the Jewish people.”
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Yes, you read that correctly. The idea that “Israel is the national state of the Jewish people” is not a value that is currently enshrined in the State Education Law.
So when the amendment came up for debate yesterday whom do you think opposed it—and not merely “opposed it” but actually fiercely fought against it?
That’s right. None other than Tzipi Livni.
And she was joined in her crusade against the amendment by the Yesh Atid party led by Finance Minister Yair Lapid and Health Minister Yael German.
Your humble servant simply finds its extraordinarily preposterous that the very person who is supposed to be heading the Israeli team in the the so-called “negotiations” with the Palestinians–and who is supposed to be insisting on Israel’s primary demand that the Palestinians recognize Israel as a Jewish state–led the fight yesterday to not have Israeli schoolchildren learn that Israel is the national state of the Jewish people.
The good news is that Livni and Lapid were eventually defeated in the committee but the bad news is that this defeat came after Livni added the condition that the amendment only be presented for a first reading in the Knesset and not move forward until Livni ally Ruth Gavison presents a redraft of the amendment.
The bottom line is that Tzipi Livni continually works to undermine the state of Israel and is a disgrace to the country. For Benjamin Netanyahu to have put her in positions of power from which she can delegitimize the nation is an ongoing outrage.