UPDATES 9 am Israel time, Wednesday, September 3 2014:
**It appears that the heavy storms that struck Israel back in December of last year have had a salubrious effect beyond the increase in the local water supply.
Forced to stay home because of the raging storms, Israeli couples “interacted” with amazing results. Hospitals all over the country report that the number of births last month exceeded those in the same month of previous years by huge margins.
For example, at Kaplan Medical Center in Rehovot, 700 births took place this August compared to 500 births in August of 2013.
**The situation on the Syrian side of the southern Golan Heights continues to deteriorate. Fighting has intensified in the Quneitra region, and mortar shells continue exploding in Israel.
Most ominously, U.N. forces in the area have fled to Israel and the rebel flag now flies over the U.N. base there.

Not only have U.N. forces fled, they have left all of their equipment behind. This picture from two days ago shows a captured U.N. vehicle flying an Islamist rebel flag.
No longer is there a buffer of any sort on the Golan between the Islamist rebels and Israeli troops on our side of the border.
**Poor Jimmy Carter, the born-again Christian former president of the U.S. and ever more dottering fool, was at it again three days ago as a featured speaker at the Islamic Society of North America.

This photo of Carter lovingly embracing Hamas terrorist leader Khaled Meshaal is undated but typical of how Carter has gone off the deep end.
In a speech to an adoring Muslim multitude, Carter said that the key to finding peace in the Middle East was for everyone to follow “the principles of Allah.”
Great idea Jimbo. Just ask the Yazidis in Iraq. Or the people in a hundred other places around the world where Islamists are attacking “infidels” who refuse to convert to Islam.
**As we all know by now, the Obama Administration has no strategy concerning ISIS/DAAS, no strategy concerning Syria, no strategy concerning Libya, no strategy concerning Iraq, no strategy concerning Iran, no strategy concerning the Ukraine; in fact, it has no foreign policy strategy anywhere.
Why should Obama and Kerry care if 8000 Syrians died last month? Or that ISIS continues to conquer large swaths of Iraq massacring thousands in its wake and is now trying to push into Lebanon? Or that Libya is falling apart again because of Islamists? Or that the Iranian nuclear talks are going nowhere? Or that Russia and the Ukraine are on the brink of war?
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No, there is no reason for Obama and Kerry to worry because they can always turn their attention to Israel.
In fact, the great man himself, great in his own mind, Nobel Prize winner wannabe John Kerry, is arriving back in Israel on Sunday. According to his laughable press agent (aka State Department spokeswoman) Jen Psaki: “The purpose of Kerry’s meeting with Prime Minister Netanyahu is the negotiations on the final settlement between the Israelis and the Palestinians.”
What negotiations? On a final settlement? Are there negotiations going on that we Israelis don’t know about?
If this is anything like what happened in Cairo in the last few weeks, it would not be at all surprising that Netanyahu is negotiating behind our backs again. As was reported last week on this blog, Mahmoud Abbas has already stated that Netanyahu has secretly agreed to draw the borders of “the new state of Palestine” based on the June 4, 1967 lines (1949 Armistice Lines).
Once again, it is time to ask ourselves, dear readers, what in the world is going on?
Why would we negotiate with the Chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization, a man who is the unelected president of the largely defunct Palestinian Authority, and a man who has ever diminishing support in Palestinian Autonomous Areas A and B of Judea and Samaria? More than this, why is a Palestinian state (except in Areas A and B) even on the table for discussion?
Naftali Bennett put it very well on his Facebook page yesterday:
“Is there anyone still supporting the establishment of a Palestinian state?
In 2005, Israel pulled out of Gaza. We turned over Gaza to the Palestinian Authority and its leader, Mahmoud Abbas. Free elections were held (including in Judea and Samaria). . . Hamas won 76 seats; Mahmoud Abbas 48.
Hamas . . .took control of Gaza, made it a fortress of terror, and fired tens of thousands of missiles on Israeli cities and dug dozens of terror tunnels into Israel communities.
Now in 2014 Israel is sitting safely in Judea and Samaria with no missiles being fired from there into Tel Aviv, and no terror tunnels being dug from there into Kfar Saba. According to the most recent Palestinian polls in the area, Mahmoud Abbas receives 32% support while 61% of Palestinians favor Hamas.
And now people want us to move out of Judea and Samaria and turn it over to Abbas like we turned over Gaza to him?
I repeat my question: is anyone still supporting the establishment of a Palestinian state?”
That ship has sailed for most everyday Israelis.