9:00 am Israel time, Friday, July 31 2015
**The horrendous attack at the Jerusalem Gay Pride Parade yesterday:
The condition of the six people stabbed in the Jerusalem Gay Pride parade has not changed as of this morning. Four remain hospitalized with one victim, a 16 year old girl, in critical condition.
The attacker was Yishai Shlissel, a man who stabbed three other people in a gay pride parade 10 years ago–a crime for which he served 10 years in prison. In fact, Shlissel had just been released from prison one month ago, and was supposed to be on a police “watch list.”.
Many bystanders filmed a crazed-looking Shlissel yesterday as he took the knife out from under his coat and began stabbing at everyone who was near him. His abominable actions have been condemned by everyone on the Israeli religious and political scene.
**A new cornerstone is laid in Beit El:
Less than 24 hours after the Dreinoff apartment buildings with their 24 apartments were destroyed, a large contingent of Jewish community members and government officials placed a cornerstone at the site for new apartment buildings which will contain 300 new apartments.
Chief among the speakers was deputy FM Tzipi Hotovely who commented:
“We are laying the cornerstone today for the construction of 300 housing units, and relaying a message in the government’s name – that we must build and keep developing Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria. We must keep on building this way. 500,000 Jews are a reality that no element in the world can evict or uproot. We must keep building while respecting the rule of law in Israel.”
Your humble servant’s sentiments exactly.
**Speaking of the Beit El building controversy–current Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked vs former Justice Minister Tzipi Livni:
Livni condemned Shaked yesterday for suggesting that Israel should have a separate court to decide land cases in Judea and Samaria. Shaked had proposed that just as Israel has military courts to try Palestinian terrorists so should Israel have a civil court to try land cases in Judea and Samaria.
Specifically, Livni blathered that Shaked’s proposal would be used by BDS to support boycotts against Israel. She continued her bloviating with this: “If you want to annex Judea and Samaria, you should do it. This means of course voting rights for all . . . and the transformation of Israel into a majority Arab country. But the fact is that they do not have the guts to call for that .”
Of course Livni, as usual, is wrong on all counts. Shaked’s proposal would not impact BDS in any way. Omar Barghouti, the founder of BDS, stated again just last month that even if every centimeter of Judea and Samaria were given to the Palestinians and Jerusalem was made the capital of Palestine, the BDS movement would continue–until every one of the 5,000,000+ so-called “Palestinian refugees” is given a home in Israel.
More than this, Livni is dead wrong about annexation. Shaked and her Jewish Home party have never suggested annexing all of Judea and Samaria. They have especially not suggested annexing Areas A and B where 98% of the Palestinians live. The Jewish Home proposal is to annex Area C only.
This is the position they declare all the time, but Livni does not have the guts to tell the truth.
By the way, the Palestinians in Areas A and B already vote in Palestinian elections. The only problem is the PLO refuses to have any.
**Never a dull moment on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem:
Two days ago, Jerusalem Police arrested a woman on the Temple Mount who was to be married later in the day. They detained her so long that she nearly missed her wedding. Yesterday, a number of Women of the Temple Mount showed up at the ramp to the Mughrabi Gate dressed as brides:

The signs read “How dare the police not allow a bride on the Temple Mount” and “Sisters Support Us!”
**Still no definitive word about Sami Kuntar:
Following up yesterday’s reportage about the IAF attack which targeted murderer Sami Kuntar, the official Hezbollah newspaper yesterday withheld the names of two of the people killed in the air strike.
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Were they Kuntar and his deputy?
We can only hope so.
Tzipi Hotovely has wasted no time in the Israel Foreign Ministry. Though she is only the Deputy Foreign Minister (Israel has no Foreign Minister at the moment), she is aggressively going after all those who seek to undermine the state of Israel.
Number one on her list is Europe and the European Union.
According to a directive she sent to all Israeli embassies in Europe last week, European countries are now pumping more than 100 million Euros per year—and perhaps as many as 200 million– into NGOs whose express purpose is to delegitimize the Jewish state of Israel.
Think about that. More than one hundred million Euros each year aimed at the tiny state of Israel.
Hotovely’s directive specifically called out the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Sweden, Spain, Denmark and the E.U. itself. She specifically ordered Israeli emissaries “put a red line around organizations that ‘operate in the guise of human rights organizations’ to support boycotts against Israel, work to eliminate Israel as a ‘Jewish state’ , slander IDF soldiers, and delegitimize the IDF.”
Hotovely’s point is that these issues should be raised every time there is any diplomatic contact with the countries of the E.U. or the European Union itself.
Bravo Tzipi for undertaking action that should have been undertaken a long time ago. The utter hypocrisy of European countries spending tons of money to try to change Israel when they themselves should be held accountable is nauseating.
Your humble servant was thinking about all of this during the week in regard to the situation involving “refugees” from Africa and elsewhere who have been drowning off the coasts of Europe in an effort to make it into the European Union.
This was the best that Europe could come up with in its recent conference about the “refugee” problem:
The irony of this list is that if you add up all the numbers, tiny little Israel has taken in more “refugees” (an estimated 60,000) than what all of the above countries have now agreed to do combined. (Obviously, the European numbers do not include “refugees” previously admitted.)
But that is not even the main point. The same European countries above are the ones funding NGOs that seek to force Israel to bring in even more “refugees.” These NGOs travel around Israel filing innumerable law suits against Israel’s immigration policies.
What are just a few of the specific European-funded NGOs involved in these judicial actions? The Coalition for Human Rights including “ARDC”, “ASAF – Aid Organization for Refugees and Asylum Seekers,” and “PHR”.
Or how about these examples?
Diakonia–an NGO almost completely funded by the Swedish and Norwegian governments–is wholly involved in increasing refugees to Israel. Check out above how many refugees Sweden has now agreed to take in (Norway is not on the list at all because it is not in the EU).
Or take the Rosa Luxembourg Foundation, an NGO that comes from Germany. Its focal point is “refugees and migrants” in Israel.
We could go on and on, but what would be the point?. Israelstreet has produced tens of blogs about egregiously hypocritical Europe.
Suffice it to say that we hope Tzipi Hotovely’s campaign does not founder on the rocks of Israeli bureaucratic indifference.