20 Kislev 5776
Wednesday, December 2 2015
9:18 pm: Palestinian terrorists fire two missiles from Gaza toward Israel’s western Negev region. No further information.
3:43 pm: Palestinian terrorists throw multiple pipebombs at IDF forces in Tulkarm.
12:46 pm: Stabbing attack thwarted. Female Palestinian terrorist with knife captured at Shuafat Checkpoint. No Israelis wounded.
9:46 am: Stabbing attack in Tel Aviv. 60-year-old man stabbed in the Hativah neighborhood on Aital Street. Police not releasing details.
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***Palestinian terror in the last 24 hours . . .
In addition to the 7 stabbing incidents documented on israelstreet yesterday, there were more than 40 other terror attacks.
Palestinian terrorists attempted to burn Israelis alive by throwing firebombs at a bus near Emmanuel and at cars in eastern Jerusalem, Tulkarm, and the Hussan bypass.
Palestinian terrorists attempted to smash Israelis with “rocks” or cause them to crash off of the road at Ma’aleh Adumim, Hawara, Mevo Dotan, Talmonim, Mt. Hebron, at Curve 160 outside of Hebron (can you believe that Israel has numbered every curve in the road?), Beit Furyk, Hizma, and many other places.
***Barbaric Palestinian terror 32 years ago . . .
Gory details of what actually happened to the eleven Israeli athletes who were murdered at the Munich Olympics came to light yesterday.
Actually, they came to light back in the 1990s when an Israeli lawyer traveled to Germany and was handed a large notebook of evidence from the incident. Included in the notebook were pictures of the dead.
Those pictures and notes show that the dead were gruesomely mutilated in front of each other. The mutilations took many forms including having genitals cut off.
The widows and families of the dead who were shown the material twenty five years ago did not reveal the barbarity of the Palestinian terror until yesterday–when several of them came forward in hopes that a memorial will finally be built to their loved ones.
***It was and is a pleasure to see . . .
. . . PM Netanyahu work the crowd at the Paris Environmental Conference. Aside from the obvious fact that he and Putin have become buddy-buddy, was the fact that Netanyahu not only talked the talk but also walked the walk.
In this latter sense, he refused to meet with any of the leaders of the countries that support the European boykott of Jewish goods from Israel.
Meanwhile, back here in Israel, the Foreign Ministry announced more measures targeting the 16 countries that supported the labeling of products from the Golan, Judea, Samaria, and eastern Jerusalem.
***As an American (your humble servant has Israeli and American citizenship) it is sad to see . . .
. . . the level of degradation that the U.S. has reached in the world under the Obama Administration.
Yesterday, as Obama was ludicrously warning Putin in Paris what Russia can and cannot do in Syria and cozying up to his Islamist Turkish friend Erdogan who is trying to wipe out the Kurds, White House and State Department spokesmen were reduced to giving Russian military updates from their rostrums.

The Hebrew reads “Our Way.” This is the picture that the Israeli “left” is using to trumpet its new anti-Netanyahu campaign. The appeal is to our Zionist past but shows how behind the curve the “left” actually is. We are living in the Zionist present, and Israelis–as evidenced by the last election–see straight through the laughable idea that the Israeli “Left” is somehow Zionist.
It has now been almost 8 months since the Israeli election and eventual forming of the current Netanyahu government. What remains of the “left” here in Israel remains devastated by what happened.
If you recall, leftists Herzog and Livni laughingly told us after the new government was formed that it would not last a month. Then they said two months. Then three months. The new prognostication from Herzog is that the current government will not be able to survive Spring, 2016.
In advance of that date, the “left” launched a new campaign yesterday that seeks to pull together disparate elements including “One Voice” and the old V15 group that tried, with the help of the Obama Adminstration, to unseat Netanyahu.
The new group is disingenuously named “Our Way.” It may be a new group but the message remains the same. Here’s a snippet from their new website:
“These are the days of deep despair with government policy and an intolerable security situation, as the extremists dictate the State’s conduct and bring shame on Knesset.
This is our time to be a real alternative . . .
Together with the One Voice Movement we established our way – a movement of political citizenship to people who could be different here. We invite you to go with us in the way that will lead Israel to a new future, to a political solution to the conflict is that is marked by social justice, civic solidarity, and eradication of racism and discrimination in all its forms . . .
Thereby, we will fullfill the dream of the founders of the state: Israel as the national homeland of the Jewish people and a democratic state for all its citizens.”
Kashkash (nonsense), kashkash, and more kashkash.
Social justice, civic solidarity, eradication of racism–all worthy goals but if this sounds familiar it should. These are the same phrases that the “left” used in the last campaign.
They are all goals that every Israeli government strives to reach.
The truth is that the main extremists in Israel these days are the members of the “left” who seek to delegitimize Israel at every turn. Israelis have remarkable civic solidarity in the face of the Palestinian terror that faces us.
Moreover, we know that the dream of the founders has already been fulfilled and is being perfected: we are the national homeland of the Jewish people, and we are a democratic state for all of our citizens.
We also know what the “left” will never know and why “Our Way” is doomed to failure:
We are the Jewish state of Israel.