4 Tiveth 5776
Wednesday, December 16 2015
UPDATES 6:00 pm Israel time
***Palestinian terror in the last 24 hours . . .
Early this morning, just before 2 am, another Palestinian bulldozer attack took place at the Qalandiya checkpoint. Three Border Guards were wounded. The terrorist was shot and killed.
There have been numerous “rock” assaults all day long at Hebron Hills, the Mt. Hebron junction, Alon Shvut, Migdal Oz, El Moair, Halhul, Bethany, Issawiya, Tulkarm, Ras Al-Amud, Anata, Psagot, Ma’ale Adumim, and Beit Hagai to mention a few.
***Two outrageous court actions yesterday . . .
In the first, the Northern District Prosecutor decided yesterday not to charge a 16-year-old terrorist with terrorism. This was a terrorist who stabbed a Border Policeman in the head three weeks ago in Nahariya.
The decision not to not to add “a nationalistic motive” to the indictment was astonishing.
In the second, the Israel Supreme Court unbelievably ruled yesterday that 5 Palestinian terrorists who are currently serving time in an Israel prison for a “rock” throwing attack are not guilty of “attempted murder” after all.
What did these five terrorists do?
Three and a half years ago, they attacked a car being driven by an Israeli motorist between Beitar Illit and Gush Etzion. In the attack, a child in the car had her jaw broken by a rock and her head smashed–resulting in bleeding in her brain.
Outrageously, the Justices decided that there was no “murderous intent” on the part of the “rock” throwers–but that they had acted out of “spontaneity”. According to the Court, there is no evidence that they planned to kill anyone.
What a horrible joke. What else were terrorists trying to do–except cause a crash that would kill Israelis?
Were they attempting to murder Israelis? Of course they were.

The announcement for a Breaking the Silence program in Zurich. Not surprisingly, the Swiss government office in Ramallah is one of the main sources of Breaking the Silence income.
Finally, Israel has caught up with the abominable group, Breaking the Silence.
Yesterday, Education Minister Naftali Bennett banned the group from giving any presentations in the Israel school system. Two days ago, our so-called “Defense” Minister Moshe Ya’alon banned the group from any contact with the IDF.
Your humble servant’s question is “Why has it taken so long?”
For some years now, israelstreet and others have been reporting on how Breaking the Silence pays supposedly disgruntled former IDF soldiers to travel the world trashing the IDF.

Another announcement–this one at the University of Pennsylvania. Note that the main sponsor of the talk is J Street.
Who subsidizes this vicious delegitimizing attack on Israel?
Between 2013-2015, the group received almost 1.5 million dollars from the Ramallah offices of the governments of Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Ireland, Norway, Spain, Switzerland, Sweden, the UK, and the EU.
Between 2008-2014, the group received another $707,300 from the New Israel Fund.
In the last two years, Breaking the Silence also received $303,500 from the “Palestinian Fund Secretariat for Human Rights and International Law.”
Where is all of this money managed–and where is it doled out to Breaking the Silence? According to the head of Breaking the Silence, it is all managed in Ramallah–under the control of the PLO.
So what has caused Israel to suddenly wake up?
Primarily, a group of IDF reservists, with the help of the pro-Israel advocacy student group Im Tirtzu.
In recent months, we have seen the reservists open Facebook protests, demonstrate against Breaking the Silence in Beersheva and Jerusalem, and lambaste President Rivlin for participating in a conference which included Breaking the Silence.
It should be noted that the reservists are a very powerful lobby in Israel–both because of their numbers and their prestige. It is fair to say that no politician wants to go up against the miluim (reserves).
The good news about about Bennett’s decision is that it is not limited to Breaking the Silence; it is directed against any organization that “incites against IDF soldiers.”
What are some of the other organizations that fall into this hideous category? The New Israel Fund, Physicians for Human Rights, Gisha, Adalah, B’Tselem, HaMoked, and Yesh Din.
Let’s sincerely hope that these organizations will also soon be prohibited from spreading their anti-Zionist message to Israeli schoolchildren and soldiers.
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