9 Elul 5777
10 September 2017
The News on the Israel Street
Palestinian terror in the last 24 hours . . .
As we have often remarked, driving through Judea and Samaria is like running a gauntlet. You can be sure that you will be attacked with “rocks” and Molotovs; you only hope you can maintain control of your car and get your family safely to your destination.
The same is true of driving through any Palestinian area, even through Palestinian neighborhoods in eastern Jerusalem. Last night, an Israeli came under bombardment in A-Tur from terrorists. As you look at the picture below, ask yourself what kind of “rock” could have caused that hole.
The poor suffering Palestinians . . . NOT . . .
As we have often noted on israelstreet, the humanitarian crisis in Gaza is a fraud. It is a crisis created and perpetuated by Hamas. One of the main complaints one hears is that the poor Palestinians only have electricity four hours a day and therefore can’t cook, read, or do anything else that requires light.
The truth is that Hamas has the money to pay for diesel fuel to run the electric generating station in Gaza, but has heretofore refused to spend it. Instead, the money goes into building tunnels and other terrorist infrastructure–and lining the pockets of Hamas terrorists.
Yesterday, Hamas finally relented, and announced that it is buying a huge amount of diesel fuel from Egypt. The increasing level of complaints from the Hamas citizenry left them no choice.
Speaking of Hamas . . .
There was another mass Hamas wedding in Gaza last night in which 200 couples got married.

This Hamas bride doesn’t look all that happy at what is about to befall her. The rate of domestic abuse in Gaza is astronomical.
Your humble servant wonders how many of the 200 brides were minors. The last time such a mass marriage was staged, it turned out that some of the brides were as young as 12 and 13.
No honor among thieves . . .
For the second time in the last few months, the self-proclaimed “human rights” organization B’Tselem has denounced a fellow “human rights” organization. This is all the more remarkable because B’Tselem has always had the reputation of being one of the most leftist NGOs operating in Israel.
Yesterday, B’Tselem demanded that Minister of Finance Moshe Kahlon act to withdraw all state support for “Physicians for Human Rights”. According to B’Tselem, Physicans for Human Rights is an “extreme political organization fighting IDF soldiers.” Moreover, B’Tselem declares that Physicians for Human Rights names Israeli doctors so they can be ostracized overseas, supported the Goldstone Report, and supports BDS.
All of this is true about Physicians for Human Rights as we have often pointed out here on israelstreet, but to hear B’Tselem say it is practically shocking.
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Foxtrot: How Can An Israeli Film Be Certain To Win An Award?
The movie Foxtrot has just won the “Silver Lion” award at the Venice Movie Festival. That by itself should tell you much of what you need to know.
Because if an Israeli filmmaker wants to garner international awards, all he or she has to do is make a film critical of Israel–and even “better” critical of the IDF. Foxtrot accomplishes both.
In the first place, it depicts an Israeli society beset by futility and grief. Israelis don’t know where the next tragedy is coming from, though the filmmaker knows that each tragedy emanates from Israel’s interaction with the Palestinians.
In the second place, it depicts young, morally-vacant IDF soldiers who are standing a useless guard at a checkpoint in Israel. So morally bankrupt are they that they attempt to cover up the things that take place at the checkpoint. It is like watching a scene right out of “Breaking the Silence.”
In other words, it is a movie guaranteed to be overwhelmed with international favor.
By the way, the movie was made with funding from the government of Israel.
Israel Culture Minister Miri Regev has made these comments in recent days:
“[Foxtrot] portrays soldiers as murderers and white-washers of the truth . . . Anybody who wants can make films like this with their own money. But not with public funds, not with our money–which includes that of the families of soldiers.”
Israelstreet could not agree more.