4 Tishrei 5778
24 September 2017
The News On the Israel Street
A new year . . . the same old Palestinian terrorism . . .

Take a close look at the dent that was made in the hood of this car by a Palestinian terrorist last night. How big do you think the “rock” had to be to make it? (Picture 443 Rescue).
As suggested by the picture above, there were numerous “rock” and Molotov attacks throughout Judea and Samaria yesterday, most of them centered around the Maccabim Checkpoint.
An Israeli was wounded on Road 443 near the Dor gasoline station; in another attack, two vehicles were damaged and their occupants traumatized; shortly thereafter, another attack near the same place resulted in a father and child being hit by shrapnel and another person in the same car being wounded in the eyes.
All told in these and other attacks, more than 10 Israelis were wounded and had to be evacuated by MADA.
The above details were gleaned from Rescue 443, Rescue Samaria, and rotter.net.
The price of tomatoes and cucumbers skyrockets . . .

The paradigmatic Israeli salad–usually found on the breakfast, lunch, and dinner table (picture Tori Avey).
If there are any prices that Israelis are especially attuned to, they are those of tomatoes and cucumbers. Virtually no Israeli meal takes place without the patented tomato-cucumber salad on the table.
Your humble servant can tell you, dear reader, after doing much shopping in the last month, the quality of tomatoes and cucumbers has been abominable. Many of the vegetables are from Turkey and even Gaza, and they have been moldy and mushy (nearly rotten).
To add insult to injury, the price of tomatoes between July and Rosh Hashana rose from 4.27 shekels a kilo to 9 shekels ($2.60). Cucumbers have soared from 4.50 shekels a kilo in July to 8 shekels last week.
This morning the Ministry of Agriculture sought to blame the price increases on the heat wave that beset Israel in July and August, but if anything that should have improved yields and quality. Someone is scamming the Israeli consumer.
We are supposed to be happy . . .

Remember this incredibly tragic picture we posted last month of a group of Jews not being permitted to climb the seven steps up to the level of the Kipat HaSela (Dome of the Rock).
The number of Jews who visited (or more precisely “were allowed to visit”) the Temple Mount during 5777 were released today.
22,552 Jews were permitted to go to the Mount between October 2016 and September 2017. This was a 60% increase in the number from the previous year.
Your humble servant supposes that it should be some source of joy that the number is increasing, but when you compare it to the more than 2,000,000 Muslims who went to our holiest site last year, the number pales into insignificance.
None of us should be happy until there are no restrictions whatsoever on Jewish visits to the Mount and no police checks on Jews who want to go up the Mount. In other words, none of us should be happy until the vile religious discrimination that this government permits to be practiced against Jews is eliminated.
The news around the neighborhood . . .
In Syria: “Rebels” in Hama reported that they ambushed and destroyed 5 Syrian Army tanks yesterday and killed dozens of Syrian soldiers. Of course, this has quickly become a lost cause. The Russians announced this weekend that the Syrian Army, Iranian militias, and themselves now control 87% of the country. There is no reason to doubt the accuracy of that number.
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In Lebanon: Hezbollah head Hassan Nasrallah’s number one bodyguard was assassinated last week–apparently by other Nasrallah bodyguards.

The bodyguard who was assassinated is the one in the gray suit directly in front of the camera to the side of Nasrallah. Note Nasrallah hunched over in the background. He only comes out of his hole in Beirut on rare occasions.
According to details leaked out by anonymous sources, the bodyguard was killed because he knew too much about the assassination of Rafik Hariri–an investigation of which is currently scheduled to begin at the International Criminal Court.
In Saudi Arabia: Much ado is being made about the Saudi prince’s remarks to the U.N. the other day in which he said it was time for the Israel-Palestinian problem to end. What is not being paid attention to is the fact that he once again embraced the Arab Peace Initiative that calls for 5,000,000+ so-called Palestinian “refugees” to be settled in Israel.
The Bad Joke That Is Iran and North Korea
The ludicrous quote of the weekend:
Iranian Brigadier General Mohammad Hassan Nami:
“We have not received any missile technology from North Korea in recent decades. We enjoy a very high level of scientific research in the field of missiles, and we do not need Koreans in this regard.”
Your humble servant often finds it utterly amusing how political and military leaders throughout the Middle East have always believed that if you just repeat a falsehood over and over, people will begin to think it is true.
They believe that because it is true.
Just look at the Palestinians for example. It is simply incredible how 50 years of repeatedly spouting ridiculous canards concerning Jews in Israel and a false Palestinian history has ended up with the world (as represented by the United Nations) believing every canard.
But back to Iran and North Korea. Is there anyone out there who seriously believes what General Nami said? After decades of military interaction between the two countries which has produced virtually identical ballistic missiles and a virtually identical nuclear weapons program, are we now supposed to believe that all of this was done separately with no interaction?

Iranian-North Korean collaboration has been a well known fact for decades. This picture taken in North Korea in 2010 illustrates the point.
Your humble servant has no doubt that Iranian scientists are in North Korea right now. And if North Korea is producing nuclear weapons that Iranians are there doing the same thing. And if North Korea has figured out a way to miniaturize nuclear weapons to put on top of a ballistic missile, that technology is now being employed by the Iranians as well.
No collaboration between Iran and North Korea?
A bad joke.
And no one is laughing–except the Iranians and North Koreans.