23 Kislev 5778
11 December 2017
Quote of the Day:
“I want to say with full confidence, when you harass Israel, you are not helping promote peace in the Middle East. We are not going to put up with this anymore.”
Nikki Haley, U.N. Ambassador of the United States, speaking in a Security Council discussion about condemning President Trump and Israel for the Jerusalem Declaration.
The News On the Israeli Street
Palestinian terror in the last 24 hours . . .
Because yesterday was a day with another 100+ Palestinian terror attacks, your humble servant hardly knows where to begin.
My wife and I were spending the day in Jerusalem when at about 3:00 pm we suddenly heard sirens and saw police cars and ambulances rushing to a location not far from where we were walking on Jaffa St.
We (along with everyone else) immediately found out via our cellphones that a security guard had been stabbed by a terrorist at the entrance to the Jerusalem Central Bus Station and the terrorist was on the run toward where we were.
Fortunately, before he got there, he was captured by police and a brave taxi driver, Yosef Ben-Amo from Gilo. It was discovered later that the terrorist is the son of a senior officer in the Palestinian Security Services.
This morning, your humble servant received a personal briefing from a senior MADA official who told me that the only reason the security guard is still alive is because MADA was able to get him to Sha’are Zedek hospital within 9 minutes of being stabbed. The guard remains in critical condition, but there is the possibility that he may have suffered brain damage.

Part of a demonstration that took place in the Central Bus Station after the attack. The signs read “No Coexistence Now!”
Others wounded yesterday:
*An 18-year-old young woman was wounded by a “rock” thrown by a terrorist at the bus she was riding on between Haifa and Shefaram.
*A young girl was wounded by “rocks at the T-Junction near Tekoa. Her skull was fractured, and she was hit by glass shards.
*An IDF soldier was wounded just outside of Zeita.
*An IDF soldier was wounded in the head at Karmala.
Shooting, “rock”, and Molotov attacks took place at the old British Police Junction, Adoraim, Khorsa, Ofra, Funduk, Kedumim, Silwan, Beit Ummar, Einav, Avnei Hefetz, Harmela, Tekoa, Gush Etzion, El Aruv, Halhul, Beit Dagan, Beit Furik, Road 35, Hevron, Beit Khalil, Tulkarm, Lubban a Sharqiya, Ariel, the Avraham Hasno Junction, Rachel’s Tomb, A-Zaim Checkpoint, the Ma’aleh Adumim interchange, the Hatti Junction, Ma’ale Amos, Nebi Elias, Issawiya, the Halhul Junction, Azzun, Route 35 near Yehuda, Nili, Janiya, the Prigat Junction, Salfit, Qalandiya, Burin, Netiv HaAsara, Shuafat, the Hevron Hills, A-Ram, Karmala, Hizma, Shechem, Ghania, Budrus, Fawwar, Na’aleh, on Road 465, Neve Yair, and the Jerusalem Tunnel Bridge among other places.
Another terror tunnel discovered and destroyed . . .
The IDF released information yesterday that another Hamas terror tunnel–this one leading from Khan Younis under the border and into Israel at Nir Am was identified two weeks ago and destroyed yesterday.
The IDF attributed this discover to the “advanced detection technology” that it is now using and issued this stupid statement:
“The digging of the tunnel is a flagrant violation of Israeli sovereignty, a situation that can not be accepted, and the IDF operates in the Gaza Envelope and is responsible for what is happening around the border.”
Did any part of this statement really need to be said? A flagrant violation of Israeli sovereignty? A situation that can not be accepted? The IDF operates and is responsible?
Just for purposes of perverse humor, what would have happened if the IDF had said: “The digging of the tunnel does not violate Israeli sovereignty; it is a situation that can be accepted, and the IDF does not operate in the Gaza Envelope and is not responsible for what is happening around the border.”
Speaking of perversity . . .

The delegation from Bahrain. The woman in blue is Houda Ezra Ebrahim Nonoo former Bahrani Ambassador to the U.S.–and a Jew.
What happened on the Temple Mount yesterday defies understanding. As you may or may not know a delegation from Bahrain has (rather remarkably) been visiting Israel this week.
As you might expect, the delegation has been wined and dined by Israeli officials and generally treated like VIPs.
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Until yesterday when the delegation decided to go up to the Temple Mount to pray at the Al-Aksa Mosque. Once they arrived, they were unceremoniously kicked out by the Islamic Wakf because they were accused of attempting to “normalize” relations with Israel.
The perversity of the situation is simply that the Temple Mount is under Israeli sovereignty, not Palestinian or Islamic Wakf sovereignty.
The Wakf has no right whatsoever to kick anyone off the Mount.
The war of words between PM Erdogan and PM Netanyahu . . .
. . . reached ludicrously new heights yesterday. Following Erdogan’s scathing attacks on President Trump and his Jerusalem Declaration, Netanyahu fired back at a press conference he was holding with French President Macron.
Netanyahu correctly observed that any leader who wipes out Kurdish villages, jails reporters and political opponents by the thousands, and helps terrorists attack innocent civilians has no right to preach morality to anyone else.
Whereupon the Turks ludicrously responded that Israel is guilty of massacring thousands of Palestinian children–and has “occupied Palestinian territories for hundreds of years.”
No further comment from your humble servant is needed.
Turning History Into Forgery:
Who were the original Christians?
“Massacring thousands of Palestinian children and occupying Palestinian territories for hundreds of years” . . . as we all know, there is no end to Turkish, Arab, and Palestinian mendacity.
But in the Palestinians’ case, it is not merely lying, it is also outright usurpation.
How many times have we heard the canards in recent years that there is no Jewish history in Israel, or that the Western Wall belongs to the Al-Aksa Mosque, or that the Palestinians have been around for 4000 years?
If it weren’t for the fact that these lies have been accepted as truth by the United Nations, European Union, and much of the rest of the world, it would be downright funny.
I was thinking about this while listening to PLO “legislator” Hanan Ashrawi being interviewed on the BBC program “World” several days ago. The depth of her mendacity was astonishing as she made statements like these—none of which were challenged by the vacuous interviewer:
“. . . We Palestinians are the original Christians.”
” . . . We Palestinians are the owners of the land.”
” . . . We Palestinians are the people who have been here for centuries.”
“Jerusalem is a Palestinian city and as such it belongs to the Palestinian people.”
“[Trump and the Jews] have turned history into forgery.”
Hmm. Let’s see. The Palestinians were the original Jews. The Palestinians were the original Christians. The Palestinians were the original everything.
Turned history into forgery. Indeed, that is precisely what the Palestinians have done and continue to do.
And why not?
When you have a gullible world in which anti-Semitism is rife, why not pass off lies about Jews and Israel as truth?
You don’t even have to repeat them in order to be believed.