26 Kislev 5778
14 December 2017
May your holiday period be filled with
good health, warm family times, and light!
Quote of the Day (spoken in Hebrew):
“It is a great honor for me, and I am very excited to stand here in this holy place and light the second candle of Chanukah in Jerusalem – the capital of the State of Israel. “
US ambassador to Israel, David Friedman before lighting the second candle of Chanukah at the Kotel (Western Wall) last night.

Ambassador David Friedman at the Kotel last night after lighting the second candle on the large Chanukkiah there. Friedman (second from right) was accompanied by two government ministers (on each end) and two rabbis including the Rabbi of the Wall (second from left).
The News On The Israeli Street
Palestinian Terror: Missile Attacks
For the 7th straight day, southern Israel was targeted with missiles fired by Palestinians terrorists in Gaza. Two missiles were intercepted by the Iron Dome over Sderot (which actually worked for a change), and another missile–with no preceding alarm–exploded in an “empty space” in the Eshkol Region (in other words, it did not hit a building).
In the Sderot attacks, four people had to be treated by the Ichud Hatzala medical service: one man broke his leg while running to a bomb shelter. In addition, two children and a woman had to be treated for trauma.
During this week, the area from Netiv Ha’Asara to Sderot to Ashkelon has been hit by more than 20 missiles.
Here’s what the totally impotent IDF had to say about the latest attacks.
Statement 1: “The IDF will not allow Israeli sovereignty to be violated.”
Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha! What a perverse joke. Every missile fired into Israel violates Israeli sovereignty.
Statement 2: “Our patience is dwindling. If nothing changes we will not stay in our policy of measured responses.”
As we have always said here on israelstreet, the people of southern Israel are nothing but missile fodder. The IDF General Command is perfectly willing to bomb sand dunes and empty buildings in Gaza in response to attacks on our citizens.
Palestinian Terror
“Rock”, Molotov, Shooting, and Arson Attacks:
Nearly 100 terror incidents took place elsewhere–none of which you read about or heard about in the mainstream Israeli or international media.
“Rocks” and Molotovs were thrown at Israeli children, women, and men at: the Yehudah area on the Gush Etzion-Hebron road, Hizma, Sebastia, Karnei Shomron, between the Tunnels Checkpoint and the entrance to Jerusalem, the Husan Bypass Road, Beitar Illit (attack included gunfire), on Road 90 near Zubaidat, Nazareth, Beit Anan, Beit Haggai, Karmei Tzur, Abu Dis, Halhul, Luban a-Sharqiya, Hevron Hills, Beit Ayin (attack included arson), Shuafat, Duma (attack included IED), Yakir, Emmanuel, Jericho, El Bireh, Salem, Beit El, Shechem, El Aruv, Hawara, El Khader, Al Fawwar, Havat Yehuda, Har Bracha, Psagot, Kfar Etzion, Budrus, Tzurif, Bethlehem, Kedumim, Funduk, Givat Assaf, Tekoa, and Hawara to name “a few” locations.
The above attacks were reported by Israeli citizens to Rescue Judea and Samaria, hakolhayehudi, and rotter.
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In other news
The Livni-Shaked Fight Escalates:
Globetrotting Tzipi Livni, who did nothing in her term as Justice Minister except thwart the will of the people and try to give away Jerusalem to the Palestinians, cannot stop attacking our current Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked.
In her latest salvo two days ago, the gallivanting Livni intoned that Shaked was “opening the door to corruption” and trying to get rid of the “gatekeepers of Israeli democracy.”
Shaked, who may be one of the best Justice Ministers that Israel has ever had, fired back yesterday that unlike Livni who spent her time drinking cocktails on endless so-called “diplomatic” trips abroad and engaging in meaningless concession negotiations with the Palestinians, she (Shaked) is working arduously to change Israeli society for the better.
Time for Tillerson to go . . .
In yet another grenade in what has become a daily rant against moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem, U.S. Secretary of State Tillerson kicked the Embassy move timeline even further down the road yesterday.
You will recall how Tillerson said that the Embassy would not be moved this year, or next year, or the next.
Now you can add another “or the next”. Tillerson now says the Embassy will not move to Jerusalem until 2021 at the earliest. Your humble servant suspects that Tillerson (who called President Trump “a moron”) will be long gone by then, and Trump himself may not be President.
But why wait. Tillerson is no friend of Israel, and we would not be sorry to see him replaced right now.
The Effort To De-Recognize Israel Begins
Your humble servant has often wondered aloud in this blog why the Palestinians don’t just go ahead and declare statehood in the United Nations, and at the same time call on the United Nations to de-recognize Israel.
Seriously speaking, what do you think the vote would be in the General Assembly if a resolution was proposed that would reverse the resolution that partitioned Palestine back in 1947?
I can tell you.
It would pass.
A majority of countries in the United Nations would be very happy if Israel ceased to exist as a recognized country. At the same time, there are probably at least 60 countries in the UN that would be happy if Israel ceased to exist altogether.
So, it shouldn’t come as any surprise that, speaking at the Islamic Cooperation Organization (OIC) conference yesterday in Istanbul Turkey, PLO chairman Mahmoud Abbas said that the time has come for countries to “reconsider” their recognition of Israel. At the same time, he declared that the Palestinians will seek full statehood status at the United Nations.
Abbas continued by lambasting the United States decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and calling on all OIC countries “to impose political and economic restrictions on States, officials, parliaments, companies and individuals recognizing Israeli annexation of Al-Quds.”
You can be sure that this call to impose political and economic restrictions will soon be expanded to all countries.
Throughout his remarks and at their conclusion, Abbas was wildly applauded by delegates from the 57 assembled Muslim countries.
And so it has finally come to pass. A worldwide effort led by the likes of the PLO and the United Nations will seek to de-recognize Israel. Isn’t that really what the BDS movement is already all about?
Of course, the world can vote how it wants and do what it wants, but nothing will change the fact that Israel is here, and here to stay.