3 Tevet 5778
21 December 2017
The Perversely Hilarious Quote of the Day:
“The withdrawal of protection of human rights in the world makes my work unbearable.”
Ziad Al-Hussein, Jordanian Chairman of the UN Human Rights Council announcing his retirement from his position yesterday.
Al-Hussein is a loathsome slime ball who has done little since becoming Chairman of the UNHRC except condemn Israel–which is why he was chosen Chairman in the first place.
The withdrawal of human rights makes his work unbearable?
It is Ziad himself who has led the withdrawal of human rights for Jews in general and Israeli Jews in particular.
The News on the Israeli Street
Palestinian terror in the last 24 hours . . .
Violent terror attacks were perpetrated all day and all night yesterday by Palestinian terrorists. Here is a sample; remember that more than one terror attack was carried out at each location on this list:
Deir Nizam, Hizma, Jilazon, Beit Furik, Silwad, Shechem, Ofra, Beit Lakiya, Jenin, Bil’in, Al Fawwar, Budrus, Nabi Saleh, Malak, Beit El, Tel, El Khader, the Betuniya Crossing, Hevron, Givat Assaf, Jayyus, El Aruv, Sha’ar, Hevron Hills, Karmei Tzur, El Moyer, Abu Dis, Halhul, at the entrance to Ramallah, Madama, Beit Ummar, the Gush Etzion to Hevron Road, Deir Jarir, Kochav Yaakov, Qalqilya, Tulkarm, Mt. Hevron, Susiya, Qalqilya, Anata, Shuafat, Joseph’s Tomb, Funduk, on the Gilad Road, Kedumim, Beit Haggai, Genia, Talmonim, al Mu’ayyir, Safa, Sinjil, A-Tur, Beit Sira, Issawiya, outside of Ma’ale Adumim, Qalandiya, the Prigat Junction, Midiya, Havat Gilad, the Machpelah in Hevron, Deir Qadis, Burin, Wadi Nakhla, Migdalim, the Alon Junction, and Migdal Oz among others.
Palestinian terrorists also set fire to the Bat Ayin Forest in Gush Etzion.
In sum more than 100 attacks took place yesterday according to reports from Rescue Judea and Samaria, rotter, and hakolhayehudi.
Why does Breaking the Silence continue to be invited to Israeli universities? . . .
By this time, everyone knows what Breaking the Silence is and does. It is an organization composed of disgruntled IDF veterans who are paid to travel the world and trash their former fellow soldiers wherever they go.
Yesterday, Breaking the Silence leaders were at the College of Management in Rishon LeZion delivering yet another delegitimization lecture to Israeli students. This lecture came just a month after Breaking the Silence was exposed yet again for fraud–a leader claimed an incident happened which didn’t.
Outside the lecture hall yesterday, the brother of Staff Sergeant Gal Basson who was killed in the 2014 war with Gaza led a protest. Ben Basson had this to say:
“Breaking the Silence receives funding from foreign entities and from BDS organizations; they slander IDF soldiers around the world and slander the State of Israel. Why force students to hear them? As a bereaved brother, I feel more hurt by this issue. My little brother was killed defending the citizens of Israel . . . and he is not a war criminal. “
Palliwood is alive and well . . .
It has been another week in the Israeli news with the abominable Tamimi family from Nabi Saleh. In case you have forgotten, the Tamimis are a cottage industry of bad family actors who go out with photographers and try to provoke IDF soldiers to attack them.
Each family member has a specialty: the father is always interviewed and talks about how his children are “warriors against the occupation”; the mother is always rescued from the grasp of IDF soldiers or runs around olive orchards; and the son has had a broken arm for years (moving a cast from left arm to right arm depending on the day).

One of the mother’s favorite poses. The girl “trying to tug” her mother away from the evil IDF soldiers is Ahed Tamimi.
But the star of the Tamimi Palliwood extravaganza is Ahed Tamini, a 16-year-old girl who has been performing since she was born. Over the years, we have watched her grow up spitting at our soldiers, biting our soldiers, striking our soldiers, cursing our soldiers, etc.

Ahed on the left, slightly older than in the first picture. Here seen biting the hand of an Israeli soldier who refused to respond to being beaten up by the entire Tamimi family.
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For some reason, a video filmed by Tamimi’s personal photographer went viral this week. It shows Ahed doing what she always does–following an IDF patrol down a street while cursing them and striking them. As usual, the soldiers did not react.
But their lack of reaction has provoked outrage in Israel, and the Israel police have now arrested Ahed and 2 other members of her family.
The picture below, taken by Ahed’s personal photographer yesterday, will probably earn her another medal in Ramallah and more free trips around the world.
Let’s hope that by some miracle, Ahed Tamimi and other members of her family are finally sent to serve time in prison–a reward they richly deserve.
The Construction That Wasn’t, Isn’t, and Won’t Be
We know the pathetic modus operandi of Benjamin Netanyahu all too well when it comes to construction in Jewish communities in Judea, Samaria, and eastern Jerusalem:
1. A terror attack occurs or the Supreme Court orders a Jewish community or a neighborhood in a community in Judea, Samaria, or eastern Jerusalem razed.
2. Netanyahu runs straight to the nearest microphone and declares that he will authorize hundreds of more residences to retaliate for the terrorism or replace the ones that are to be razed.
3. The world condemns the government for authorizing new construction.
4. The government opens the construction process to contractors.
5. The government freezes the process.
6. No construction takes place.
7. The cycle repeats itself.
Again, and again, and again.
According to statistics released yesterday, 3200 housing units in Judea and Samaria and eastern Jerusalem reached Step 4 this year.
How many residences have been built? None
How many residences are being built? 46.
By the way, in the coming year some 3800 housing units were originally announced to be built. That number has already been pared down to 600.
How many will actually be built? Probably none.
It is a pathetic situation.
The next time you hear bogus information about “Israeli construction” in Judea, Samaria, and eastern Jerusalem, remember this blog.