3 Tevet 5778
21 December 2017
The News on the Israel Street
Palestinian terror in the last 24 hours . . .
It has been another bloody day with more than 100 terror attacks targeting Israeli children, women, and men. There have been shooting attacks, “rock” and Molotov attacks”, IED attacks, and at least 1 bulldozer attack. There is no information at this time on the number of wounded.
Friday is always particularly bloody because Palestinians emerge from their mosques at about 1 pm after being whipped into a frenzy and take to the streets to attack any Israeli they can find. This afternoon there are violent, on-going riots at the Damascus Gate in Jerusalem, along the Gaza Border, Bethlehem, Shechem, Hevron, Qadum, Karawa, Ramallah, Budrus, Skapa, Beit Furik, Jayyus, Azzun, Huwara, and Beit El.
Is the Trump peace initiative and “peace process” over? . . .
PLO Chairman Mahmoud Abbas issued this statement today:
“The choice of the United States to support illegal and flagrant violations of our rights compels us not to accept it as an intermediary in the regional peace process. Unfortunately, the US has decided not to fulfill its obligations under international law, and has awarded a prize to the illegal Israeli settlements. We have no intention of accepting plans initiated by the Americans, who clearly chose to adopt biased views. Any initiative on their part will not be based on a two-state solution, and clearly international law or resolutions adopted at the UN will not be established.”
At the same time, Hamas Gaza leader Yahya Sinwar announced that Iranian General Qasem Suleimani has promised to unconditionally provide Hamas with every weapon at Iran’s disposal.
Muslim Palestinians continue to usurp history . . .
You will recall dear reader how PLO Legislative Member Hanan Ashrawi declared last week that Palestinians were “the original Christians.”
Now the Palestinians have gone even further.
First came this official posting Monday on the website of the PLO delegation to the U.N.:

A gift from Palestine? How absurd can you get? Jesus was a Jew who lived and traveled in Judea and Samaria. There was no Palestine when he was there.
Then on Tuesday, another Palestinian spokesman sent a letter to UNRWA asking for more money and claiming that Joseph and Mary were Palestinian refugees:
“The original Christmas story began more than two weeks ago 2000 years with a family from Palestine looking for a refuge. In this spirit, we are collecting gifts this month to help Palestinian] refugees not only survive, but thrive.”
Then came the twitter posting yesterday from the head of the PLO general delegation to the United States and Mahmoud Abbas’ strategic advisor, Dr. Husam Zumlut who declared that Jesus’ mother was a Palestinian:
“The star born on that day (Jesus) could not have come from any other womb; he could have only come from a Palestinian womb.”
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It is simply jaw-dropping how the Palestinians, who have no history of their own, are creating faux histories usurped from Jews and Christians.
Some Silver Linings In Yesterday’s U.N. Vote
It would be pointless to reprint the tirade unleashed against Israel in the U.N. yesterday from the mouths of such anti-Semites as the representatives of Yemen, Turkey, Pakistan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Syria, Iran, North Korea, and the PLO.
Nor is it particularly fruitful to point out that the representatives of the Vatican and the Non-Aligned Movement both asserted that Israel has no right to any of Jerusalem. As far as the Vatican is concerned, it should be an internationally controlled city, and to hear the non-aligned representative, every centimeter of Jerusalem (eastern and western) was illegally annexed by Israel.
However, even though your humble servant is not usually one to look for silver linings, there actually may be a few.
Let’s begin by looking at who voted how on the resolution to condemn the U.S. for recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel:
128 countries voted in favor of the resolution. By far, the two leading groups supporting the resolution were Muslim countries and European countries. Together, these totaled nearly one hundred.
9 countries voted against: Guatemala, Honduras, Israel, Marshall Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Nauru, Palau, Togo, and the United States. Bravo to each of these!
35 countries abstained: Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Australia, Bahamas, Benin, Bhutan, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Cameroon, Canada, Colombia, Croatia, Czech Republic, Dominican Republic, Equatorial Guinea, Fiji, Haiti, Hungary, Jamaica, Kiribati, Latvia, Lesotho, Malawi, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Philippines, Poland, Romania, Rwanda, Solomon Islands, South Sudan, Trinidad Tobago, Tuvalu, Uganda, and Vanuatu.
21 countries refused to vote: Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of the Congo, El Salvador, Georgia, Guinea-Bisseau, Kenya, Mongolia, Myanmar, Moldova, St. Kitts-Nevis, St. Lucia, Samoa, San Marino, Sao Tome Principe, Sierra Leone, Swaziland, Timor-Leste, Tonga, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Zambia.
So what are the silver linings?
1. Sixty five countries did not support the resolution. Some were braver than others, but no one expected that 65 countries would act as they did.
2. Take a good look at which countries voted no, abstained, and refused to participate. Note that there are 14 African countries included in these groups, 7 Caribbean countries, and 6 Central and South American countries.
3. Think about the fact that 7 European countries did not follow the lead dictated by the EU.
4. Finally think about Israel’s support out in the South Pacific where 10 countries either voted no, abstained, or refused to participate.
In sum, the pressure exerted by the Trump Administration undoubtedly influenced the vote to some extent, but overall, even though the vote was “bad”, it certainly could have been worse.