6 Tevet 5778
24 December 2017
Quote of the Day:
“I must emphasize one thing, it is less important to me what they say, and more important what we will do. When we have unity and it will be clear to us how important our capital is to us . . . when we are unequivocal . . . not only will 65 countries defend us . . .
David Lau, Chief Rabbi of Israel, discussing the vote in the United Nations which denounced Trump’s Jerusalem Declaration recognizing that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel. It is the Israeli “left” that Lau is referring to when he suggests that there is no unity of opinion about Jerusalem.
The News on the Israel Street
Palestinian terrorism in the last 24 hours . . .
Israeli men, women, and children were attacked by “rock” and Molotov throwing Palestinian terrorists at these locations among others:
Elon Moreh, Hizma, Bidu, Beit Anun, Salem, Ma’ale Amos, the T-Junction near Efrat, on the Gush Etzion Road near Hevron, at the Pharmacy Checkpoint in Hevron, Luban a-Sharqiya, Giv’on, Kiryat Arba, near Aqul, on the Gush Etzion-Jerusalem Road, at the Al-Khader Junction, El Aruv, Bil’in, Abu Dis, Beit El, Psagot, Tekoa, Jayyus, Jilazon, Deir Nizam, Beituniya, Singil, Beit Agza, Al Fawwar, Beit Ummar, the Horseshoe Junction, Bruchin, and along the Gaza Border near Nahal Oz.
All told there were 75 reported attacks.
MADA treated numerous Israeli civilians and soldiers for wounds received.
Israelstreet thanks Rescue Samaria and Judea, rotter, and hakolhayehudi for its work in publishing the reports from Israeli citizens on the ground.
For other terrorism news, see “Today’s Blog” below.
About the Turkish invasion of Jerusalem . . .
You will recall how we reported yesterday that Turks have swamped Jerusalem.
Two days ago, three of these “Turkish tourists” were arrested when they violently assaulted a Jerusalem policeman who was trying to break up a violent demonstration.
Yesterday they appeared in a Jerusalem Municipal Court where they all brandished symbols of the Muslim Brotherhood.
So after attacking Israeli police and engaging in terrorist Muslim incitement in the courtroom, what did the judge decide? He accepted the defense’s argument that their arrest was “political” and ordered them released.
The delusional thinking of the transportation bureaucracy . . .
As your humble servant has often written on israelstreet, Israel is a country that has unbelievably fantastic road infrastructure and disastrously clogged traffic.
And yet, the bureaucratic thinking is that if we only build more roads and have more buses and more trains, all of our problems will be solved.
Yesterday Israel’s Transportation Minister Israel Katz gave an interview in which he ludicrously said:
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*Israelis should feel lucky that the traffic in Tel Aviv is not like that in New York.
[Traffic in Tel Aviv is a nightmare that is at least as bad as anything in New York.]
*There has been marked traffic improvement in Haifa, Rishon, Ashdod, and Beersheva (cities 3-6 population-wise).
[This is just a joke. Traffic in Ashdod (pop. 240,000), where your humble servant lives, is beyond terrible–mainly because there are only 2 three-lane entrances to the city.]
*Things will improve when Israelis can board a bus without “contacting” the driver.
[Another joke. No matter how they get on the bus, the bus will still be stuck in traffic.]
The problem in Israel is not roads, bus drivers, or public transport.
The problem in Israel is that there far too many cars on the road.
Has The Time Come For Israel To Dump Abbas?

Mahmoud Abbas (aka Abu Mazen): PLO Chairman and Dictator for Life gesticulating wildly a few weeks ago following Trump’s Jerusalem Declaration (picture: Haaretz).
In some rather revealing testimony given to Knesset legislators yesterday, the head of Shin Bet (Israel’s Security Agency), Nadav Argaman reported that Shin Bet has foiled more than 400 major terror attacks in 2017.
Actually, the 400 number, while huge, is not surprising–we all know what a remarkable job Shin Bet does (when they are not moronically focusing on Jewish youth out in Judea and Samaria).
And we all know that Palestinian terrorists are on the attack all the time. Among the 400 thwarted attacks were 13 planned suicide attacks and 8 attempted kidnappings.
However, Argaman unexpectedly added that the main purpose of Hamas terror attacks in Judea and Samaria is not to target Israelis, but to destabilize the PLO and Palestinian Authority government.
And what he did not say was that Shin Bet actively works with the PLO to protect Mahmoud Abbas from Hamas.
Which leads to something we have repeatedly reported.
Namely, that as much as PLO Chairman Mahmoud Abbas wants to threaten that he will cut off all the security ties between the PLO and Israel, the simple fact is that he cannot afford to do so.
Israeli security officials dubiously decided decades ago that the PLO was preferable to Hamas; without Israeli protection, Abbas would have long since been consigned to the dustbin of terrorists.
But with Abbas now engaged in ever more strident attacks against Israel, we might well ask if the time has come stop propping up the PLO dictator.