11 Tevet 5778
29 December 2017
Absurd Quote of the Day:
“The United States created all of the terrorist organizations in the world and is responsible for all of the religious conflicts in the world.”
Mahmoud Abbas (aka Abu Mazen), Chairman of the PLO and unelected dictator of “Palestine”
The News on the Israel Street
What’s going on in Iran? . . .
In case you have missed it, demonstrations have broken out all across Iran in such cities as Qom, Mashhad, Kermanshah, Isfahan, Yazd, Shiraz, Ahvaz, and Tabriz.
The focus of the demonstrations seems to be Iranian involvement in Syria, Lebanon, and even Gaza. For example, in the city of Kermanshah this morning, demonstrators were chanting “Kermanshah yes, Gaza and Lebanon no!”
If you can believe this, even in the holy city of Qum, the demonstrators were shouting: “Death to Hezbollah, Death to Nasrallah. We do not want an Islamic Republic!” In other places, pictures of Khomeini, Rouhani, and Khamenei were burned.
So far, the demonstrations are small, but the government banned all demonstrations in Tehran starting today, has blacked out satellite TV, and is threatening mass arrests.
The Palestinian destruction of Jewish history continues unabated . . .
There was yet another report yesterday about how the Palestinians are continuing to destroy Jewish history in Judea and Samaria. In fact, all Jewish sites within Area A of Judea and Samaria are off-limits to Israeli authorities.
The report identified this southern palace from the Hasmonean period that is being systematically broken apart because it is located 30 meters over the line in Area A:

The Palestinians are systematically erasing Jewish history in Areas under their control–in the same manner as ISIS destroyed non-Muslim sites.
Missiles, Mortars, Molotovs, and “Rocks”:
Would Any Other Country in the World Tolerate These?
Remember the “outrageously idiotic quote of the day” reported two days ago on israelstreet in which the IDF Spokesman ridiculously crowed that the last three years on the Gaza border have been the “quietest three years since the days of Samson.”
At 11:49 am this morning, incoming missile sirens went off in communities around the Gaza Border (Zones 216, 223, 224, 225):
According to the IDF spokesman three missiles were fired and two were intercepted by the Iron Dome. As usual, this information was a complete fabrication. At least one missile struck a building in Sha’ar Hanegev and another hit Nahal Oz.
According to residents on the ground, between 5 and 7 missiles were fired, and two or three were intercepted.
Actually, the residents were literally on the ground:

It is believed that the terrorists in Gaza were shooting at this ceremony in Kfar Aza honoring the birthday of Oren Shaul, the IDF soldier killed in 2015 whose body parts have not been returned by Hamas.
Is there any country in the world that would tolerate missile fire like this on its citizens?
And is there any country in the world that would tolerate unending “rock and Molotov attacks on its citizens? Here are a few locations where Israeli children, women, and men were targeted in the last 24 hours:
Sultan Suleiman St in Jerusalem, Wadi Hermiya (bus windshield smashed), the Horseshoe Junction (bus windshield and windows smashed), Ariel (car caught on fire), Amos, throughout Gush Etzion, Bar-On Park, Likir, Deir Qadis, Zawata, Shechem, El Aruv, all along the Hevron-Gush Etzion Road, Nabi Saleh (IDF soldier wounded), the Beituniya Crossing, Beit Agza, Mount Gilo, Beit Jala, Luban a-Sharqiya, Hevron, Hawara, Hizma, near the Tapuach Crossing, and Nebi Elias.
The simple answer to the question posed in our blog title this morning is: there is no other country in the world that would tolerate never ending missile, mortar, molotov, and “rock” attacks on its citzens.
That Israel does tolerate them is pathetic.
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