21 Tevet 5778
8 January 2018
Idiotic Quote of the Day:
“If UNRWA ceases to exist, the situation in Gaza will become catastrophic.”
A statement issued by the IDF General Command and the Israel Foreign Ministry today.
The truth is that if UNRWA ceased to exist, the infantile Palestinians would have to learn how to live on their own. Why in the world is it in Israel’s interest to keep the Palestinians dependent on the abominable UNRWA?
Please see Today’s Blog below for further discussion of UNRWA and the Palestinians.
The News on the Israel Street
Palestinian terror in the last 24 hours . . .
It was “just another day” in the lives of Israelis living in Judea and Samaria. They were targeted in more than 50 terror assaults by Palestinian terrorists.
“Rock” and Molotov attacks took place at Deir Nizam, Joseph’s Tomb in Shechem, Sebastia, Awarta, Azzun, along Road 55, Itamar, at the Uzi Narkiss Bridge, Al Khader, Al Muayyir, Salem, Psagot, Mount Hevron, Hizma, Beit Anun, Beit Sira, Jayyus, Qalqilya, Givat Assaf, Tapuach, Abu Dis, Binyamin, Gush Talmonim, the Horseshoe Junction, on the Gush Etzion-Hevron Road, Neve Tzuf, Migdalot, Akraba, on the Gaza Border, Aqbat Jaber, Yitzhar, Al Fawwar, Karmei Tzur, on Road 443 near Beit Ur A Tahta, and Hevron to name a few places.
Remember, that multiple attacks took place at many of the above places.
The death toll in Syria . . .
Now that the Syrian war is winding down, some of the non-civilian death toll is finally being revealed.
According to Chief of Staff Eizenkot:
The Afghan Fatimid Brigade, a group of Iranian mercenaries from Afghanistan, had 2000 killed and 8000 wounded. They were the primary cannon fodder for the Syrians and Iranians.
Hezbollah, also an Iranian proxy and also cannon fodder, also had 2000 fighters killed and about 10,000 wounded. Any way you slice it, 12,000 casualties for Hezbollah is astronomical.
The IDF, police, and Civil Administration rampage on . . .

Giv’at Maoz Esther: a tiny community destroyed yet again. This picture is from a previous destruction.
It is appalling how our own forces continue to demolish Jewish homes throughout Judea and Samaria. Today the targets have been the Giv’at Zion in Gush Shilo, Giv’at Oz Zion at the Giv’at Assaf Junction, and Giv’at Maoz Esther in Kochav Hashahar.
The World’s Victim: UNRWA and the Palestinians
Let’s see if we have this straight:
According to a World Bank Report issued in 2015, the Palestinians received approximately $24,000,000,000 ($24 billion) dollars in aid between 1993-2013.
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During the last five years of that period, the Palestinians received an average of $2.5 billion a year. Based on this, we can estimate that between 2013-2017 another $10 billion flowed into Palestinian coffers.
$34,000,000,000 (billion) dollars between 1993-2017.
One would think that this foreign largesse would have been sufficient for the Palestinians to develop some sort of economy or at least a rudimentary socio-economic infrastructure.
And yet . . .
“The poor Palestinians” cannot provide food for themselves.
“The poor Palestinians” cannot provide clothing for themselves.
“The poor Palestinians” cannot pay for their own electricity or water.
“The poor Palestinians” cannot educate themselves.
“The poor Palestinians” cannot provide health care for themselves.
The poor Palestinians, the poor Palestinians, the poor Palestinians . . . it’s enough to make your humble servant want to throw up.
When you get right down to it, as I stated above, the Palestinians are nothing more than infantile beggars. Their leaders traipse the world with hands outstretched looking for ever-increasing handouts. The people themselves wallow in their dependency.
There was a time when the Palestinians were considered the most educated and hard-working of all Arab peoples, but that time has long passed.
What happened?
UNRWA, and the embrace of their own so-called “victimhood.”
It is hard to find a more devastating example of dependency creation. All that UNRWA does is perpetuate Palestinian victimhood–and in the process perpetuate itself. As long as it can keep the Palestinians begging, UNRWA can continue to exist.
But it would be wrong to merely blame UNRWA. One would also be hard-pressed to find a group of people so ready to blame everyone else for everything–and unwilling to shoulder even one milligram of responsibility. The Palestinians are all to happy to be the “world’s victim” and fight to keep the “title.”
Could the Palestinians have gotten out of their mess long ago?
Sure they could have. A first step would have been to get rid of UNRWA. But it is just too easy to wallow in victimhood and dependency.