25 Tevet 5778
12 January 2018
The Pathetic Quote of the Day
“The human impact of losing significant funding could be catastrophic in the real lives of real people whom the UN is mandated to protect. Palestine refugees are among some of the most vulnerable people in the Middle East. Our health services offer a life line, quite literally, to vulnerable women and children, the sick and the elderly.”
Chris Gunness, UNRWA spokesman, referring to the possibility that the U.S. may reduce or eliminate its $370 million annual contribution to UNRWA
As we have repeatedly noted here on israelstreet, UNRWA is one of the most abominable organizations on the planet. It does nothing except perpetuate Palestinian victimhood and itself by crudely using women, children, the sick, and the elderly. The world would be a better place and Palestinians might arise from their infantile dependency, if UNRWA was eliminated.
Terror, Terror, and More Terror:
When Did We Become So Indifferent?

Yael Shevach, the wife of slain Rabbi Raziel Shevach, is comforted at his funeral (photo: Amit Shabi).
“Rock” and Molotov attacks were carried out by Palestinian terrorists at Bethlehem, Tel, Shechem, Hizma, Anatot*, Hizma, the Muslim Quarter in Jerusalem*, Jayyus, Qalqilya, Beit Sira, Nabi Saleh, Jenin, Deir Qadis, Rachel’s Tomb, the Machpelah in Hevron, El Aruv, on the Gush Etzion-Hevron Road, Arak Burin*, Itamar, Jiftlik, Mt. Hevron, Al Fawwar, on the Gaza Border*, Brown Industrial Park, Zif Junction, Nili, Hatti Junction, Adam Square, Husan, Beit El, Issawiya, Hamdat, Kiryat Arba, Bruchin, Azzun, Atma, Ma’ale Hever, A-Ram, Alfei Menashe, Oranit, Eli, Luban a Sharqiya, Itamar, Beit Furik, al-Mu’ayyir, Sinjil, Route 458, Wadi Zarka, Abu Sneineh, Halaf and a host of other places.
*At Anatot, Palestinian terrorists accidentally wounded a Palestinian woman.
*In the Muslim Quarter in Old Jerusalem, Palestinian terrorists wounded a Jewish man.
*At Arak Burin, a Palestinian terrorist was shot and killed as he was violently attacking IDF troops.
*On the Gaza Border, a Palestinian terrorist was shot and killed as he attempted to breach the Gaza border fence.
The above reports all come to Rescue Judea and Samaria, hakolhayehudi, and rotter from citizens on the ground. These incidents are never reported in the international media and rarely mentioned in the leftist Israeli media.
Meanwhile, the search for the Palestinian murderers of Rabbi Raziel Shevach continues. He was executed in a drive-by shooting on the road near Gilad Farm three days ago.
In response to Rabbi Shevach’s murder, a group of women from Judea and Samaria penned this letter to the Netanyahu government yesterday (quoted here in part, emphasis mine):
“We write this letter to you so steeped in pain, as mothers residing in Judea and Samaria. Our minds are always on the next terror attack. Tensions in the air are palpable and it feels like a ticking time bomb to us!
It has only been a few days since the monstrous attack that left a family torn apart, a widow with six orphans. The killers are still on the loose, but the country has returned to its routine.
When did we become so indifferent? Why are Shechem and Ramallah so wide open and so incomprehensibly easy to get in and out of them? Why are there no checkpoints? Why are villages not encircled after such a heinous attack? Their lives are carrying on normally and they’re happy and smiling, with the next attack being just a matter of time!
Terror attacks and murders are not ordained by fate. They may be prevented. The enemy may be beaten, but it’s plain to see that to defend residents the army needs free rein. It is capable of creating much stronger deterrence than it is allowed to today. But it seems someone preferred maintaining Arabs’ normal routines than preserving Jews’ lives.”
Terror, terror, and more terror: when did our country and government become so indifferent to what goes on daily in Judea and Samaria?
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