8 Shevat 5778
24 January 2018
The News on the Israel Street
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Palestinian terror in the last 24 hours . . .
A bulldozer attack took place at the Zaim Junction near Ma’aleh Adumim. A Palestinian terrorist attempted to run over IDF soldiers, but none were wounded. The terrorist escaped.
A soldier was wounded by gunfire in the Palestinian settlement of Deheisheh near Bethlehem.
A Border Policeman and an IDF officer were wounded near Azzun.
Israeli men, women, and children traveling in cars were attacked by Palestinian terrorists throwing Molotovs and “rocks” at the Halhul Bypass Road, Vered Jericho, Jiftlik, Luban Al-Sharqiya, Issawiya, Azzun, along the Gush Etzion-Hevron Road, at the Sha’ar Binyamin Industrial Zone, in Hevron at Jabel Johar, Hizma, Tekoa, and Qalqilya among other places.
The above reports come from citizens’ reporting to Rescue Judea and Samaria, rotter, and hakolhayehudi.
Dear reader, did you see reports of any of these attacks in any international media? Of course not. The world could care less that Palestinians are trying to kill Israeli Jews.
Political correctness endangers our troops again . . .
Do you remember the operation to find the killers of Rabbi Shevach that took place in Jenin a few days ago? If so, you might recall that two of our soldiers were shot and wounded, one critically.
It turns out that these two soldiers were shot despite the fact that they had the terrorist in their gun sights. They were not given permission to fire because the commander could not verify that the situation was “life-threatening.” The terrorist then fired his gun at our soldiers.
Fortunately, the critically wounded soldier’s condition has now been upgraded to “serious.”
An amazing Israeli medical-technological breakthrough . . .
Researchers at Bar-Ilan University announced yesterday that they have developed the first generation of nanobots (microscopic robots) that are able to roam patients’ bodies and treat diseases.

Can you imagine what will now be possible? Specific disease entities in the body will now be able to be specifically targeted (graphic dreamstime).
Will we soon see nanobots inserted into people at an early age to prevent them from ever becoming ill?
Your humble doesn’t know the answer to this question, but he does know that thanks to Israelis, the future is now.
Which newspapers are Israelis reading? . . .
Traditionally, Israelis have been known as newspaper readers.
From July to December 2017, the percentage of Israelis who read each of Israel’s main newspapers was:
Israel Hayom: 34.4% (this is the conservative publication owned by Sheldon Adelson)
Yedioth Aharonot: 30.6% (this is the left-wing newspaper operated by Noni Mozes: it looks like an Israeli version of USA Today with hundreds of pictures)
Maariv: 5.6% (this is an older left-wing newspaper)
Haaretz: 4.9% (this is Israel’s extreme left-wing newspaper)
In actuality all of these newspapers showed a slight decline in readership during this period except Haaretz which registered a miniscule increase.
What is happening with the Kinneret (Sea of Galilee)? . . .
As you know, the Kinneret is in dire shape with its water dwindling to dangerous lows.
As you may not know, the total area of the lake when full is 64.4 sq mi (166.7 km2); its maximum depth is 141 ft (43 m); and its level fluctuates between 686 ft and 705 ft (209 to 215 m).
The good news is that recent January rains have raised the level of the lake by 1.5 cm; however, the bad news is that the lake is still about half a billion cu cm from full.
If current trends continue, the Kineret will fall below the black line, a line that has never been reached since measurements began in the early 1900s. The black line is defined as the level beyond which pumping from the lake will cause irreversible damage.
Remember These Numbers: 21,900,000 and 160,000
Try to wrap your mind around these numbers.
An average of 60,000 Palestinians legally entered Israel for “work, commerce, medical treatment, and humanitarian aid” every day in 2017 according to the Ramim section of the Ministry of Defense.
Let me repeat that: 60,000 Palestinians per day in 2017.
21,900,000. Twenty one million, nine hundred thousand.
Insofar as Gaza is concerned, 160,000 trucks entered Gaza in 2017 carrying “humanitarian supplies.”
160,000. One hundred and sixty thousand.
An average of 438 trucks per day.
21,900,000 and 160,000: during a year in which we recorded tens of thousands of terror attacks against Israelis here on israelstreet.
21,900,000 and 160,000: you might want to remember these numbers the next time you hear some Israel basher blathering nonsense about Israel denying humanitarian aid to the “poor Palestinians.”