12 Shevat 5778
28 January 2018
The News on the Israel Street
Palestinian terror in the last 24 hours . . .
Palestinian terrorists carried out terror attacks at more than 40 locations–at such places as Yitzhar, Anatot, Havat Gilad, Qaddum, Tekoa, Route 60, Kibbutz Ramat Rachel, Kiryat Arba, French Hill, Jenin, Silwad, Bil’in, al Mu’ayyir, Yabed, Azzun, Abu Dis, Beitar Illit, Al-Fawwar, the T-Junction in Gush Etzion, Gross Square in Hevron, Husan, Mount Hevron, Route 443 near Ofer, all along the Gush Etzion-Jerusalem Road, Yitav, the Horseshoe Junction in Gush Talmonim, Deir Ibiza, and Hawara.
As usual, there has been no reportage of any of the above incidents except at hakolhayehudi, rotter, and Rescue Judea and Samaria where residents on the ground call in reports of terror.
Israel’s “DACA” Problem: What To Do With The “Refugees”?
It is a truism that everything that the Israeli “Left” sees the “Left” doing in the United States, it rushes to imitate.
Thus, the current fight over DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals–also known as “Dreamers”) in the United States has now come to Israel in the form of an effort to stop the deportation of so-called “refugees” who have entered Israel illegally, primarily from east African countries.
How many people are we talking about?
According to the Israel Population and Migration Authority:
64,312 illegals have entered Israel in the last 10 years
37,885 illegals remained in the country on December 31, 2017
Of the 26,427 who have left, 2081 left during the first six months of 2017
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There are currently 29,700 unanswered (the Interior Ministry has refused to act) asylum applications.
From the beginning of the “refugee” problem, the Israeli “Left” has called on Israelis to open their arms to “those fleeing oppression.” The “Left” opposed building the fence along the Sinai border which has virtually stopped infiltration, and it has fought against any efforts by the government to deport the illegals, compensate them to leave, or find a third country (other than their country of origin) to take them.
All along, the “Left” has absurdly claimed that there is no difference between these infiltrators and Jewish refugee who fled Europe during the 1930s and afterward. The New Israel Fund in particular has been funding the effort to keep the “refugees” and running this advertisement comparing their “plight” to those Jews who arrived in Israel on the famed ship Exodus.

It reads: “Israel Hugging Refugees”–“Picture from the Exodus.” Of course there is no comparison between those Africans who have illegally entered Israel for economic betterment and the Jews on the Exodus who had suffered through the horrors of the Holocaust.
The movement to stop the impending plan to deport has now been joined by Israeli writers, psychologists, sociologists, actors and actresses, and virtually all segments on the “Left.” Several El Al pilots have already declared that they will refuse to fly deportees out of the country.
Despite all of the above, the Israeli public remains steadfast in believing that the “refugees” should be sent back to their countries or to a third country. To the public, the “refugees” are “infiltrators”–infiltrators who did not come to Israel because of political persecution but because of economic betterment.
What the public sees and hears about continually is how the illegal entrants have taken over South Tel Aviv and turned it into the crime capital of Israel. No one wants to walk the streets of South Tel Aviv in day or night for fear of being beaten up and/or robbed. Israelis see this phenomenon spreading to other cities–with virtually every street corner now filled with single males from Africa.
More than this, Israelis see the population explosion taking place among the illegals (even though some 64,000 have illegally entered, their numbers have swelled because illegals marry illegals and have children), and they also see the children of the illegals joining with Palestinians in protests against the country. After all, virtually all of the illegals are Muslims.
So where does this leave us?
The government will undoubtedly continue its efforts to convince illegals to voluntarily leave but this will probably be as unsuccessful as its efforts to clean up South Tel Aviv. Some of the illegals will undoubtedly stay in the country, but we are fast reaching a point at which deportations will become involuntary. This will be a point which will make every Jew uncomfortable because whether we are talking about economic refugees or not, we Jews do not want to close our doors to anyone in need.
At any rate, when this point happens, Israel will be following the example of European countries who are increasingly deporting illegals. For example, just two days ago, Finland announced that it is forcibly deporting 20,000 of its 32,000 illegals. Sweden is already doing the same, and Germany has announced its intentions to do so as well.